I think we made a mistake

@sharkdive1 I haven’t taken a dog back. I got my first puppy this year. I’m single. It’s been a lot of work, a lot of nipping, etc.

If I was in your situation, I’d take the puppy back. Don’t feel bad about it at all. You have enough on your plate.

If you want to, when you can, start with an older dog that has some training.
@sharkdive1 I’m a nanny and brought my pup with me from 8wks old to 21 wks old. Then he started daycare. The kids at the time were 18mo and 4. It was so hard but a strict routine with the puppy helped a ton, the kids always came first tbh and it worked well.

Here are my tips that worked well with managing young kids and a puppy:

-train food impulse control. Puppy doesn’t eat anything without a release word, I use “okay”. They don’t eat their meals or high value treats without waiting and being released. This helps prevent them from snatching food from a young child and taking food off the floor (what happens when a child drops grapes or chocolate?).

-train a strong down command. I’m cooking? Puppy is laying down at my feet. Changing a diaper? Puppy is laying down at my feet. Feeding baby? Puppy is laying down at my feet. Always have a training pouch with treats do you can toss puppy treats for listening and staying in the down command.

-involve the kids if they are old enough. Have the kids feed the dog with the wait and release. It’s a confidence booster for the children, helps dog and kid bond, and enforced that puppy has to listen to the children too. The children provide resource too.

-make sure puppy is mentally and physically tired. You will have to take time to do this but you can involve the kids. Strap baby to your chest and show the toddler how to play fetch out back. Or train puppy to walk nicely next to a stroller and make it a group walk.

-crate train and enforce naps. This saved my life. I’m sure you can find a lot of info on this. Younger puppies will need more naps but my guy was down to a good 3 hr afternoon nap. He always went in his crate for his naps and it gave me some free hours to just be with the kids.

-to put it bluntly, your husband needs to do so much more. You know why puppy is stuck to your hip? Because you’ve provided all the resource and care. Husband needs to step it up and actively work on his relationship with the puppy.

-can puppy go to daycare 1-2x a week? If puppy has all vaccines finding a safe daycare nearby may be a good option for 2x a week. It’ll tire out your pup, let her play with some friends, and give you a break. You could also inquire about her sisters parents taking her one day a week for a few hours? We use a small at home daycare run by a trainer for our puppy on the days we work. He loves it and we do too.

I’m not even a parent and it was so difficult! But if you want to stick with it I feel like my tips could be super beneficial. It’ll be a full 18mo-2yrs before you have a well rounded matured dog. But it can be so fun seeing your puppy and kids get along and grow a relationship. Remember you come first. It’s okay to prioritize your well being over this puppy. I’m sure she’ll be with a good family whether you keep her or not.
@sharkdive1 Wow, that is a lot. If you decide to return the puppy, I wouldn’t ask for your money back. I’d make it a donation to the rescue group to help get the puppy into it’s forever home.
@sharkdive1 Take back the puppy and rescue an older dog. It will save you hours of training. Plus you’ll be giving a dog a home that will have a much harder time being adopted than a puppy.
@susan123elaine There aren’t many older dogs in my area that will be released to families with young kids, it’s too hard to tell what they’re like as most have no recorded history. That’s why we got a puppy!
@sharkdive1 Don’t get any more dogs please. They are not a pair of shoes you get rid of because you changed your mind. They are living breathing babies that are scared and confused going from who knows where to shelter to new home back to shelter. It’s not your fault entirely. The shelter is insane for adopting to a family with such young children but yeah puppies are a TON of work and small children don’t know how to behave around them leading often to the children getting bit. I get your situation is understandably overwhelming but it makes me so sad every time I see puppies returned. You have to decide what’s best for you and your family but I would have your husband step up and help out. That’s wayyyyy too much to put on you and totally unfair to you and the puppy who just wants its forever home and not to be shuffled from shelter to home to back to shelter. If you do keep the puppy remember they have to go out often-every 45 min to half an hour. Coming from a shelter I’m sure she’s used to going in a cage and needs to go out often on a leash in the same spot to get the idea that potty is outside.
@abugah We ended up taking her back - hubby can’t just “step up” as he’s out of the house most of the time. It was a mistake on my part thinking I could manage it all - I thought I had problem solved in my head all the challenges but it wasn’t until we had a puppy here that I realised it was much more than that. I was taking her out regularly and doing training but it meant that my focus wasn’t on the baby or the other two kids and so it became stressful very quickly. We were going to wait until my youngest is closer to 5 before we considered adopting an adult dog but I’m feeling really discouraged from some comments on this thread. Surely I’d mature and whatnot in another 5 years but hey maybe we just aren’t cut out to have a dog after all.
@sharkdive1 My comment was way bitchy and you do NOT deserve that. I really want to apologize. Puppies are so damn hard! I work from home and love mine to pieces but don’t like him some days. I can’t imagine the amount of stress you are under and having to make a tough decision on top of it. Best of luck to you and you’re a good mom for putting your babies first.
@sharkdive1 I love the idea of a dog for your kids- when they're older. An already adult dog would be easier too. You have a ton on your plate right now. I purposely have a puppy now bc I want a baby within a year or two. I know I couldn't handle a puppy and a baby, let alone a toddler too.

If decide it's too much, just get the fur baby back to the shelter or find her a loving home soon while she's still baby cute and before you all get attached
@markfred We thought we were being wise getting a puppy - so we could train them to be good with kids while we didn’t know the history of an adult dog. But it’s not fair on her to be crated for several hours a day while we’re home because it’s just me getting all three kids ready and fed and out the door and then fed and bathed at the other end of the day
@sharkdive1 OP if I may- can I suggest looking into a small breed, retired show dog?

Rehoming isn’t a sin, and to be honest… rescue is NOT for everybody. A rescued dog and the issues that come along with that just do not fit in every situation. Nowadays, the “adopt don’t shop” rhetoric has been replaced with “adopt or shop responsibly” as it will take a collective effort from rescue as well as ethical breeders to tackle the shelter epidemic. Ethically bred dogs should never end up in shelters.

Retired show dogs are often still young (sometimes not even 2), and will come extremely well socialized to other dogs and kids, leash trained, kennel trained, and healthy. It’s a great way to add an awesome family member to your household without all of the hard puppy work or sending your dog off to pricey training.

There are lots of groups on Facebook to find these dogs. Look at “retired show dogs and well bred purebreds” and “purebred snobs- breeder referrals.” They will get you going in the right direction! I promise bringing home a dog does not have to be traumatic like this 💙
@tania19 That sounds ideal. That’s my ideal dog but hubby like ‘em big and beautiful. I love the idea of a dog, just not as much as he does and in practice I find it extremely difficult being needed in so many directions. I thought it would be ok but the last 24hrs had really shown me how much I value this time with my kids while they’re little. I just cried because I was constantly torn between the puppy and my baby. I don’t know why I thought it would be okay but I think we really do need to wait until the kids are older, all in school/daycare at least.

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