Today a woman made a complaint about me

@snorks4lyfe Yes, i do have the feeling pet parents and people in general are getting worst.
Ive been in corporate for 3 years. I love the job but the customers are terrible. im tired for being treated that way. Im already thinking about leaving. Corporate for sure... But maybe this all together....

You guys need to fire that woman. She got past notes she is rude, you guys shouldn't let that happen.
@snorks4lyfe That's sounds weirdly like a husky that came into my old salon two years ago, the groomer couldn't even get him into the tub before he became very aggressive and she ended up having to hook him onto the far wall because when a person or dog got too close he'd scream his head off and snap.

It always amazes me that some people with difficult dogs are either super apologetic and understanding or just monsters and I sit there like I see where they learned this behavior from

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