[Fluff] Getting my first dog at 30 changed my life


New member
So, I never had a dog until I was 30. I didn't hate dogs or something. I always liked the one my friends had, but never really felt like getting one. My mom never wanted one, my dad never pushed for it despite loving dogs, and so that was that.

Me and my girlfriend (now wife) moved together when I was almost 27. We lived in one place for two years with her sometimes asking me about getting a dog, and I always said no because I worked, she was in University and there was no one going to be taking care of him/her.

We moved after those two years to an apartment my parents own, the apartment I grew up in actually. I just ask her to marry me, and I was able to hold the dog thing. We got married (July 2012) and things were swell. Then at about January 2013 she came back stronger than ever, this time pretty much telling me we're going to get a dog, and I need to deal with it. After being strong willed and stubborn for four years, I caved, and said yes.

About a month later we got a dog, adopted one from a shelter or rescue (I don't know how the definitions are in my country compared to what you guys use on this sub).

A pretty big, black, beautiful and confused mixed male who was named Elvis, but my only condition for bringing home was changing his name to Gerrard (after the tragic Liverpool legend, Steven Gerrard). They told us he was only 8 months old, but we know they take off a few months to increase the chances of adoption. We took him to the vet's a few days later and by the teeth they told us he's somewhere between one year and 18 months. Doesn't matter.

By that time, wife finished school and was working full time. I was and still am working from home. First week was rough. Suddenly something was waking me up every morning at 6 am. And he was constantly running around the house and chewing little things up and trying to eat everything we were. He was fun, high energy and everything, but it was a big difference to our previous life. My wife broke down after one week crying, saying she had no idea he'd be this difficult. She grew up with a dog, but she didn't know what it's like taking care of one on her own. I told her to suck it up, we took him in and he's staying.

Slowly, he got used to my hours of work, and stopped nagging me all the time to go out. In essence, we got used to each other's rhythm. I found out about the wonderful invention called a dog park, and it's been bliss ever since, although he probably prefers it if we go back to being just me, my wife and him. Suddenly there's a baby stealing all the attention.

Now, from being indifferent to dogs, I'm head over heels with them, especially big breeds, doesn't matter what. I even started volunteering once a week at a rescue/shelter with dogs that were abandoned, ran away and are about to be up for adoption, walking or running with them in the fields.

What was the point of all this? That getting a dog is the best thing I ever did (convinced to do more accurately) besides getting married and having a baby. It opened up a whole new world for me and I'm pretty sure I'm a better person since then. Suddenly, I actually can't get enough of dog videos, memes and funny pictures!

Thanks for reading, if you made it this far. And I really like this sub :)
@lifeseeker I also work from home so that Futurama Fry meme totally speaks to me!

I got my first dog when I was 28 and it's also changed my life! I was always a cat person, never grew up with dogs but it's become my entire life now and I'm participating in dog sports and I now feel every dog related thing applies to me.

They really are all consuming in the best way possible. Thanks for sharing, love that last pic :)
@lifeseeker Similar with me. Mid 30s when I got my first dog(a stray I rescued myself, no shelter involved). I went from being a lazy couch potato to camping canoeing, hiking, mountain biking, etc etc, all with my dogs - I rescued 2 more after the first one. Totally changed my life for the better. My dogs are the highlight of my day.
@lifeseeker I had a dog growing up but he died when I was about 10 and I never really considered him mine (was my mom's to begin with and became the family dog). I waited until I was 38 to get my first dog....and she's the love of my life! I doubled my fun two years ago by adopting a rescue, and wouldn't change a thing about it!
My mom never wanted one, my dad never pushed for it despite loving dogs, and so that was that.

I even started volunteering once a week at a rescue/shelter with dogs that were abandoned, ran away and are about to be up for adoption, walking or running with them in the fields.

Are you me? No seriously.

I got my first dog with my SO when I was 28. Adopted her as a 4 month old pup, raised her, got hooked. Currently driving her all around New England to trial her in a dog sport and also foster for a rescue.

Dogs are the best.
@lifeseeker Dude, I'm so with you. I'd always been a cat person. My boyfriend talked me into getting Bishop about a year ago and...I am so in love with him! It has completely changed my view on what a pet can be. I interact with him on a level that's impossible with cats. I still love my kitties, but I honestly prefer dogs now.

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