[Fluff][Breed] DNA Results! I'm very surprised! Tell me what you think!

@jewe6l0187 I know that beagles can come in Lemon so I imagine the other hounds can too! I can definitely see the foxhound and I feel like for the most part, the results are spot on!
@mg1104 Yup, I'm thinking her lemon coloring is because I live in a southern state, apparently they are more popular in that color down here for pack hunting.
@jewe6l0187 I can definitely see it! I think the thing that throws you off is that she is the lemon coloration which is not all that common in Foxhounds. They are more usually the tri with the black saddle or the red and white. I can't ever recall having seen a lemon one, to tell the truth, but she is very pretty!
@cordie Haha thanks :) her color and temperament were the reason I chose her. Right now the same shelter has a male with even stronger lemon coloring! He looks just like her but seems to be a better representation of the breed.
@jewe6l0187 Oh yes! Her's is working, she's absolutely lovely! I was talking about her brother. I'd like to see him as well. That's just such a different color, you don't see it often and I think it's very pretty! I would have liked to have seen him as well. :)
@jewe6l0187 I'm an avid fox hunter and yup, that's a foxhound.

How long have you had her? If she seemed kind of not used to being in a family home when you got her it's very likely she was lost in a hunt. Hounds get lost almost every hunt (they hunt in a big pack), and usually end up finding their way back to the kennels during the night. But foxhounds are bred to run and can easily get miles away in a very short time if they're lost, which makes finding them at shelters very difficult, especially since a Hunt may use several different properties all over a state.

Not saying you should give her back (if she's used to family life many Hunts will consider her ruined to hunting anyways, and she's no good to breed obviously since I assume the shelter spayed her), just something to consider. She's legally yours now, but you might want to contact some Fox Hunts in your area to see if anyone recognizes her. You might be able to get her full papers and see if she or her puppies have won any awards.
@smc1781 I've had her since July. She had been fostered for a few months and adopted and then returned. I picked her up the same week she was returned and she settled it very nicely. She's a huge coach potato :p she sleeps for 8+ hours a day and is content with 2-3 walks a day. No destructive behavior and rarely barks and the shelter did have her fixed.

It would be interesting if I could find her papers but I'd be a little paranoid that they'd want her back.. Even though I'd have the legal right to her. I don't see myself going out there trying to find out more.

I've always wondered about her puppies though. My vet is sure that she's at least had 1 litter. It'd be kinda cool if I could meet some of them so maybe I'll consider trying to find her into a little more down the road.
@jewe6l0187 As I said, if she's used to the home life and spayed now she wouldn't be of any use to a fox hunt so I wouldn't worry too much. Also keep in mind that if she's from a foxhunt she'll be just one of a large pack of Hounds, not someone's personal pet who is heartsick over her loss. However, the huntsman who raised her might like to know she's safe. Ultimately it's up to you!

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