Doodle owners: Why????


New member
What do those people mean when they say “DoNt MaKe It LoOk LiKe A pOoDlE” what is the image you have in your mind???? 🐩 is that it??? What do you expect with you get a dog mixed with a POODLE???? a dog that doesn’t look like a poodle?????? No a puppy cut isn’t a thing no matter how many Pinterest pics you’ve looked at, no I can’t salvage that matted coat you neglected all since Christmas, no I can’t make the chunks of fur you’ve chopped at your dogs neck look nice without shaving them, no I can’t even out the face after you’ve chopped at it after watching one too many YouTube videos. Just. Stop.
@romanqueen1 I always interpret it as meaning they want a long face(tbf) and its their way of saying they dont want a shave length or any typical poodle things like clean feet.

But yes, it is incredibly stupid. One of my favorite things is to crush their sense of breed rarity by exclaiming, "oh, what a cute goldendoodle, i groom SO MANY of them!" Especially with puppy owners. They look at me like "are you telling me i just spent 2k on this common mutt?" And i love it
@talldog We've got someone who breeds mini Aussie labordoodles. Sells em for like $2000 (more than a pet quality poodle) and they're all brats and stupid for grooming. Not to mention their coats are always greasy. Some might confuse it with soft, but it's oily and yucky. And she doesn't groom her dogs enough. Her son has a retired "stud" and he comes in once or twice a year, matted and gets buzzed. It's gross, and kind of abusive. I don't know what the women is getting at. She's a backyard breeder.
@lutheranandproud I think it bugs me when people put a heavy emphasis on -doodle. So instead of Goldendoodle they say GoldenDoodle and it comes off as haughty. I try not to feel that way. Sometimes when old ladies do it it's cute. Maybe im crazy.
@shadow2 god this made me remember this lady who wanted her poodles head to look like a cube and after doing the best I could she looked at me and told me she couldn’t stand looking at her dog