Dog with bad allergies scratching his face off


New member
Hey! Sorry for the slightly dramatic title. My dog is around 6 and a half. He’s a corgi/ausi mix. He’s had allergies for most of his life. Unfortunately I have been going through a financial hardship and haven’t been able to afford his allergy shots for a while. I did switch him entirely off kibble to only quality soft canned food. Which has helped his energy levels and physical health incredibly! BUT, he scratches his face so hard he sometimes makes himself bleed. He’s also scratched around his eyes/nose/face so much the hair stopped growing back with color. I’ve asked a vet about this before and they wouldn’t give me a straight answer besides the shots. Everyone thinks he’s 12+ yrs old because his face is all white. He’s only 6. Does anyone have any advice other than me fixing my financials and getting him back on the shots, cus I obviously know and am working on that. Thank you in advance!
@hisblueskies Hi, I would suggest you to feed only Grain free kibbles and grain free snack if you like to give snack. Keep him away from grain for three months and see if it help.

Secondly which is quite important as well, ensure your dog is COMPLETELY dry after bath. Dry with a cloth then with a dryer. Bacteria will grow in damp coat.