Does anyone have experience with Partial facial paralysis/reduced motor function? (details inside)


New member
I adopted Helen (~3 year old mix) A little over a month ago and she recently lost the majority of the motor control of her lower jaw and possibly the tip of her tongue(pictures).

She is still able to eat but the only way she can drink is by pouring a water bottle into her mouth and tilting her head back, otherwise she just laps at the water but is unable to actually swallow any. Other than drinking and no longer being able to play tug 'o war she is ok.

She just started on Prednisone and antibiotics today but I am wondering if anyone else has had this issue before and what diagnosis or treatments they had.

UPDATE: The Prednisone seems to be working. While not back to 100% functionality she is able to control her mouth and pick up small objects again. She was also able to bite a squeaky toy hard enough to make it squeak.

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