Does anyone’s hearts just get warm when your puppy tries to be close to you?

@scassidy77 I guess I'm the only one whose pup does want to know where I am but DOES NOT want to be close to me. In my bed he's on the opposite corner. Watching tv he's on the floor at my feet, not in my lap. :(
@peacefulrestlessness Give it time. My pup doesn’t like physically cuddling either but recently will try to sleep close to us without touching. All pups have their way of loving you and that will evolve over the years! Look for other signs (eye contact, plays with you a certain way, etc.). You give your pup love, food, warmth, shelter, they are thankful for it even if it’s in ways that’s harder to identify ❤️
@scassidy77 It's the most heart warming thing isn't it? After all the biting and chewing and zoomies and accidents. The cuddles make all the blues disappear, and everything is right in that moment ❤️ they love us, so we've done something right!
@scassidy77 Not a puppy-puppy but my recently adopted 1year old amstaff Honey is generally aloof and high-energy; however, recently she's started seeking out my cuddles. I'll be laying down and on my phone, she'll be napping next to me on my bed. Then on her own she'll wiggle around until her head is on my lap or my tummy, it doesn't seem so comfy but she doesn't move an inch unless I have to adjust. She'll start snoring on me lol. It makes her crazy high energy moments even more worth it
@scassidy77 on nights where i let my pup share the bed with me, i end up falling off of my queen sized bed because she keeps pushing so close to me that she is actually pushing me off the bed.

She's 10 pounds.
@scassidy77 So my dog sleeps under the stairs (yeah Harry Potter style lol) and every morning when my brother or mom opens the latch the first thing he does is bound up the stairs and into my bed

The little shit likes to step all over me and shove his face into my neck and wiggle in as close as possible. I adore him and he’s so soft and sweet - best way to wake up (then nap again with him! We are lazy lol)
@scassidy77 Yes!! My pup is about 12 weeks, going through high energy and lots of biting right now..couldn’t figure out what he wanted this evening (usually his crazy time)..turns out he just wanted to be held and cuddled and didn’t even try to play or bite at me at all 🥰 makes all the frustrating times worth it
@scassidy77 Our Basset Hound puppy is just like a human toddler. Ever since we got her at 8 weeks she will grab a soft toy in her mouth, bring it over to us, and ask to be picked up with a paw on the leg or puppy dog eyes. Then she will cuddle with her stuffy on our necks, and suck on it, like a toddler with a security blanket. It's freaking adorable.
@theo2020 My puppy does a nip and pull in soft toys when he is tired. Not quite suckling but it's adorable. That ans squeaking on toys is how he settles himself down once he's in his crate.

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