Does anyone’s hearts just get warm when your puppy tries to be close to you?

@scassidy77 Got myself a corgi mix. He is a stinker and ignores me constantly (still working on recall, only had him 2 weeks). Some days I wonder how much he really even likes me. Aaaand then I sit on the floor with him and he immediately lays on my lap. Puppies are just the best!
@scassidy77 My 2 year old corgi is such a snuggle bug. She HATED being snuggled or held when she was a puppy but now she demands it. As I’m typing this she’s laying next to me in bed with her head on my shoulder.
@scassidy77 There is nothing I love more than when my Gin girl sleeps on my feet while I work. I also love it when she seeks my parents to snuggle with them when I’m busy on calls. My parents have debated getting another dog but are stubborn and I know they love the puppy snuggles
@scassidy77 My 4 mo shiba is too energetic, nippy, and doesn't settle down by himself much. He will snuggle in the car though which makes my heart melt. Yesterday I was able to get him to take a short nap on my lap on the couch which was super heart melting because he was cuddling but also it was the first nap since we got him a month ago that he took a nap outside his crate or exercise pen.

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