Does anyone’s hearts just get warm when your puppy tries to be close to you?

@scassidy77 My two dogs like to snuggle me awake in the morning. It's the best way to wake up. The bigger one is super cuddly all the time, but she'll about smother you. I still like it.
@scassidy77 Our corgi (similar age as yours) loves to nap at our feet when we're on our desks. Sometimes when I get up really early with her I tend to fall asleep on the sofa and she wakes me up to ask to come up and nap with me!! I love it
@scassidy77 My almost 3 month old pup is sitting at my feet right now as I eat dinner! I moved around and a couple minutes later she scooted her head over to rest right next to my foot. The cutest ever.
@scassidy77 My 8 month old corgi can be a little hell raiser in the evenings, but close to bed time he usually calms down and falls asleep at my feet. It’s the best feeling knowing he wants to be near me as much as possible.
@notamanlyguy8 Cannot wait til my little man is like that! He likes touching us once in a blue moon but doesn’t like us cuddling him..yet! Hes done it a couple times so I think he’ll be open to it in the future more regularly ❤️❤️
@scassidy77 I have a 4 month old Pomeranian, and now that the weather is cooling down he’s getting super cuddly and I hold him in my lap while working from home! Its the greatest feeling.
@lindav02 I grew up with cats so honestly having even an aloof corgi is a warm fuzzy. Your pup loves you to death even if they don’t show it us humans always associate it with ❤️❤️
@scassidy77 Yes. Rocko will fall asleep on the floor for a bit then he’ll wake up and hop up next to me to fall asleep for the rest of his nap.
I love at night when he comes and falls asleep in my spot when I’m still awake.

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