Does anyone’s hearts just get warm when your puppy tries to be close to you?


New member
My pup (4.5 month corgi) sleeps in his exercise pen next to my desk some days (when he gets too crazy he naps in his crate, but if he self settles we let him nap in his x-pen)

Left my desk for about 10 mins, he’s sleeping, sit down, and he gets up and moves to the other side of his pen so he’s physically closer to me and can watch me work while he sleeps. Cue heart melting.

puppy tax
@scassidy77 Every morning my almost 7 month old puppy jumps into bed and 99% of the time wiggles right in between my boyfriend and me, and my heart melts. Also equally cute, when she jumps in on his side and FLOPS down with a sigh, as if the effort was just TOO MUCH, beside him with her chin resting on him and looking at me.


Every dang morning, and every time I always make my boyfriend repeatedly acknowledge the level of cuteness despite how sleepy he is.
@scassidy77 I work from home and I keep the bedroom door closed because I work with a lot of clients. Every night when I’m off and signing out, my husband will yell “do you wanna go see your momma?” And my 9 month old shorkie ZOOMS to the bedroom and jumps directly into my lap as soon as the door opens. I love her so much.
@scassidy77 It’s the best! Last night my pup was cuddling my feet and then her big brother (126 lb 3 y/o) sat in my lap nuzzling me while we watched Halloweentown. Idk what’s better than that.
@scassidy77 Our Cavalier “follows” us around her x-pen, too. It’s the cutest little thing! He also likes to scoot up my torso to be closer to my face when we are sitting on the sofa together.
@scassidy77 For most of our time together, my dog hated being snuggled or loved on, but it's been gradually changing as he's gotten older. The other day I was checking emails on the couch. We have this snuggly blanket we keep out in the colder months and he's taken to napping on it. So when he came in I spread out part of it over the rest of the couch so he could have some blanket, and he just stared for a second, sighed that world weary dog sigh, and laid down right up against my leg. When I tell you I nearly cried lol
@scassidy77 My favorite is when he snuggles with the kids. I'm at the kids all the time because I don't want something accidentally happening between them and the dog and they get bit but then he goes and snuggles up next to them. He's so tolerant of the kids, never shown any hint if aggression with any of us, especially the kids. I will probably never let my guard down when they are around each other because god forbid something happen but seeing how much he loves them just warms my heart.

A little bit ago my kids (3&2) were playing "ghost" and my youngest ran into him and fell almost on him a couple times and not 5 minutes later when she was laying down he went over with his bone and laid on top of her. I think he was getting his payback.
@scassidy77 It's the best feeling. My pup isn't an overly cuddly dog, but every once in a while she will walk over to me while I'm sitting on the couch and just bury her whole head into my lap. She stands there while I love on her! She doesn't "need" cuddles a lot, but when she does it's for real!

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