Bad Dog Breeders - What should I do?


New member
I need your help.
A friend of a friend has a male bulldog and has decided to breed with him. The sole purpose of this is to make money as her comment was ‘I can make £30,000!’
What she plans to do is buy two bulldog bitches, get them both pregnant and when they’ve had their litters she will get rid of them buy selling them (the mums and the puppies). My blood is boiling! How can anyone do this? A real dog lover wouldn’t do this surely? I don’t think she should be allowed her dog let alone be able to get anymore.
What should I do? I can’t let this happen. Is there anyone I can go to for help? I’m in the UK.

UPDATE - She has bought the two bitches (they are both a year old) and is keeping them in the garden in a shed as she ‘doesn’t want the f***ing things making a mess in her house’. This woman obviously doesn’t like dogs as I know I wouldn’t have the heart to firstly keep them in a shed all day (she’s on holiday this week and her partner works all day from 7.30) and secondly have two beautiful dogs in the vicinity and not fall in love with them.

I’m calling the RSPCA anyway, at least they’ll have something on record if things go wrong.
@klaas No one is paying 30k for two random bulldogs and their random puppies, please set this woman straight or put her through to me
@klaas If she is not treating them badly and is taking good care of all of them during their stay, there's really nothing you can do or proof to get them taken away.
I don't think she'll make a quick buck with that, though.
Breeding right is costly. Don't underestimate vet and other costs. If she gets 30k out of this, she would need to have like 20 puppies and sell them for 2k each.
@klaas 30,000 seems so unreal. First, she would have to pay for the 2 bitches. Then she would need to artificially insemination both of them and have c-sections for both of them. In the end bulldogs only have like 3 or 4 pups in a litter. There may be even more expenses if there are complications with the birth or issues with the puppies. She also has to wait until they are at least 2 years old to breed them which means there will be the cost of raising them. Haven't even mentioned the cost of veterinary checks and vaccinations along with just the time and food the puppies/mom needs. Even if she sold 8 puppies she's not making much out of it. Also, pretty sure I read where you cannot sell dogs in the UK unless you are the original breeder which means she cannot legally sell the bitches after they have a litter. I would just focus on the excessive cost this is going to be and tell her how unrealistic is it to make money from this.
@klaas Find research about breeding, health testing, the cost of caring for puppies, the hundreds possibly thousands of pounds needed to set aside for a c-section bc brachycephalic dogs CANNOT give birth naturally. Their head literally doesn’t fit through the birth canal.

Also try the morality card, tell her you’ll lose all respect for her if she goes through with it so unprofessionally.
@klaas Yeah no one is going to pay that much for 2 bulldogs with 0 show history and most likely 0 known bloodlines or reputable bloodlines as no reputable breeder would agree to this.