Ali wants outside at 0 F


New member
My shepherd and I played in the snow for an hour and she went to sleep on her outside bed. It's seriously cold for Arkansas so we brought her inside. Now she's scratching the door and badly wants to sleep out there.

It's below zero and I don't want her to freeze solid. Is this normal?

And Incase you're wondering the room they normally sleep in is ~70 degrees
@samantha91 She is warmer than you might think outside in this weather. However, she isn't adapted to it and doesn't understand her limits. The last thing you want is for her to be out there, decide she needs to come in but you're asleep and miss her call. Keep her inside and let her be upset if she wants to be.
@samantha91 If we are wearing a coat & go outside in this weather we're still cold. So I'm not sure why people think that dogs are any different, they have a thin coat so if we're cold, they are cold. Ignore the dog give it some good food, no way would I allow my dogs outside in this weather all day, other than to potty
@pragmatix I own 4 dogs. Poster said they are in Arkansas. If the dog wants to sleep out side why not ? 3 of my dogs are outside dogs and 1 is a inside dog. My dogs slept in their doghouse together and didn’t come to the house door a single time ; or they could have come in. After they had ran around for awhile the came inside napped by the fireplace and than went back out and are out now .

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