To good to be true? RANT/HAPPY ENDING


New member
So recently I got fired from my other shop (Clients kept getting mad I had to cut their matted dogs to a 10); and also the owners loved to call me slow, not slow as in slow working slow as in mentally. Yeah, buddy glass ain't that thick when there are open doors.

Also, they were fucking me on prices they said 50% then cut it to 40% because I was still 'learning' not my fault I format notes different from you guys. (Also I had 3 years they wanted 5 years of grooming) but then cut it to 30% because the numbers I added would be way more than they'res and they would also give my tips or dog prices away. They were pretty much trying to fuck me over I was already looking for another job before they laid me off I was temp anyway; good luck finding a 5yr groomer when you prefer to hire your daughters friends who just show up on a fucking whim. (Was still clocking around 1k every 2 weeks but still also they'd always try to only let me have 1-3 dogs a day for 8 hrs or work got snippy if I did nails or walk-ins add-ons too)

ANYWAY that shit show is behind me (dirty looks and all I might be dumb but i'm not fucking stupid) Yes it happened last week so I am a bit salty I just fucking packed when they told me AFTER work have yet to pay me. . . .ANYWAY I'M NOT SALTY (P.S. Their other old groomer is leaving as well says she's to old to be groomer 70's and the other 3 they had left with no notice)

So I go in for an interview today and it's a place a little further than where I was working before (Dublin/San Ramon) So the drive isn't anything I'm not used too. The people at that place are SOO kind and chill I did 7 dogs today (small dogs) got paid my 50% + Tips. In cash since it was trial and they will only book as many dogs as I will want to take. I do pay for vet bills if I fuck up tho so that's a downside but I just am in LOVE with the place tho.

It's almost too good to be true; I had other interviews scheduled but I'm tempted to cancel them and just say Yes. They open at 8 but they let me come at 9 since again working interview, left at 3-4 did some shopping at local mobile grooming supply place. Is it too good to be true? I hope it's not.

P.P.S. I would also like to say that they compared my poodle/doodle cuts to a wash and dry lab bath. So I would need to have the bather either wash the dog or wash it myself then do a POODLE GROOM IN 30 MINUTES. If you can good for you; I can't I don't know anyone who can and make it look decent.
@brainnetenthusiast No, because you're usually considered an "Independt contractor" so I guess your fuck-ups are your fuck-ups and you have to pay. Been to a few places like that; so I figured it was pretty common.
@nazareno That’s 100% illegal. Really do your research on this. As an “independent contractor” you will be responsible for your own taxes, including paying for things that your employer should be responsible for.

If you get hurt while you’re working there, you are likely not covered. That’s not a guarantee but I would never trust anyone who is willing to dodge taxes via shady employment practices.

I’m sorry, this issue is pretty rampant in the grooming world. It’s getting a bit better because states are starting to crack down.

Just make sure you’re covering yourself. Get your own insurance in case you have an incident. Vet bills can run into the thousands. Make sure your equipment is insured in case something happens.
@chaz1268 I heard that before but at my first job (They were shady as fuck yo) said everyone does it and that's it legal since it was just like a Salon where you rent spaces to do the work.

Also this one gives out W-2's so I figured it would be like regular employment, thank you for the information tho man people really try to screw over others at every corner don't they?

I do have my own insurance also did have it had 2 actually because better safe than sorry but who would I go to too insure my tools?
@nazareno If you got a W-2 then that should mean you’re a regular employee and not an independent contractor. I would triple check with your new employer to see what exactly is going on. For tax purposes you NEED to know so that you can pay your taxes quarterly instead of getting hit with a huge bill at the end of the year. Make sure you’re getting a printed pay stub with each paycheck and keep them somewhere safe in case you need to get help from an accountant down the road.

Your best bet is to google pet grooming insurance and call some companies at get quotes. It’s tricky though because a lot of times you can only get insurance for your company/business, not individually (not saying it’s impossible, just that you might have to call a few places to find the right fit for you). If you were truly an independent contractor, you would have your own business and this wouldn’t be an issue. However because you’re working for someone else and they’re just calling you an independent contractor to avoid paying taxes, it makes things trickier. That’s why it’s illegal. My friend used to do wedding photography and every once in a while he would get contracted by the owner of a local photography studio to shoot a wedding when they were super busy. My friend set his own rates and his own hours. He was an independent contractor. Eventually the owner of the studio hired my friend full time because he liked his work so much. The second he agreed to work for someone else, he was no longer an independent contractor and was given the same benefits as a regular employee. That’s how it should be done. However owners of grooming salons, including your new boss, like to cheat the system.

HOWEVER, if your received a W-2 and are in fact a regular employee, by law you can’t be forced to pay any vet bills. That would be like a restaurant forcing a server to pay for a plate or a cup if they drop it and it breaks.

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