[Rant] [Discussion] lady went on a racist berate while i was walking my dogs because, according to her, i don't pick up after them


New member
i was actually having a nice time walking and this lady just ruined my day.

i was taking my two dogs around the block and we stopped at a parking lot-ish area at the corner because my one dog had to pee. i wasn't sure if she was peeing or pooping at first because of the way she was standing but i checked and she just peed. anyway, we kept walking.

i passed the first house on the street with no problem and went one more house down when i heard a woman yelling "hey!" so i turned around to see if she was talking to me or not (there was a guy across the street outside so i thought she might be talking to him). it went like this:

L: hey!!

L: don't let your dog poop over here, have it go on your own lawn!

M: mine? but my dogs didn't go??

L: i just saw it go!

M: she just peed??

L: nah, you f!cking lying sp!c b!tch

i just turned around and walked home. after her last comment the guy across from her laughed and she said some other stuff but i wasn't trying to hear it.

i feel like garbage. i didn't even do anything wrong, i literally always clean up after my dogs (and see no one else doing the same in the neighborhood) but for whatever reason i feel like i did.

i guess some other dogs might be going on her lawn? it's fenced in though so i don't get it, maybe just in the neighborhood? in my 3 weeks of living here i've seen probably a dozen different dogs (small & large) walking off leash/running out of their yards.

i suppose I'll just walk them a different way from now on :(
@ashleyyyy Dont let miserable ppl get you down. They want to hurt your feelings to try to make them feel better about themselves. Its sick, really, but as long as you know that you are a responsible pet owner... F@$& her! She could have kindly spoke to you but she didn't. Hopefully she'll put herself out on the curb on trash day.🙊😉
@ashleyyyy Racist comments are never acceptable.

i know in my neighborhood its amazing the number of people who do not clean up after their dog & their are free poop bags provided everywhere.I like to walk my boy in the grass as much as possible to mitigate the hot & cold of pavement & concrete & its a mine field.
@ashleyyyy Anyone ever try to kindly talk to someone who doesn't think they should have to clean up after their dog.I did got told that if i didn't want my #ss kicked to shut the #uck up.I don't say #hit anymore
@ashleyyyy I get you, don't worry. My dog peed on some lady's lawn once (he squats for reference) and she literally got in her car and drove down the street, drove onto the sidewalk (I was even far enough away from her house that there were sidewalks, since our neighborhood doesn't have any), and started shouting at me that he 'shitted on her lawn' and i needed to come pick it up. I called her crazy and walked on the other side of the concrete guards and she almost got hit by another car when she threw herself in reverse cursing at me.