Puppy has low platelet count and wbc


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Puppy has low platelet count and wbc.

My lab puppy is currently confined at the vet for monitoring since yesterday. Her cbc test showed extremely low wbc and platelet count, but everything else seemed normal.

WBC Result: 7.9 / Range: 6.0-17.0
PLT Result: 55 / Range: 117-460

She was negative for dengue test. Parvo and distemper test is being considered if there’s no improvement by tomorrow. Vet has yet to provide a diagnosis.

Symptoms: lethargy, no appetite, vomiting

Maybe someone here has experienced the same thing. I would love to hear your experience.
@tiffany1103 Veterinary technician here.....Wow, I'm so sorry your pup isn't doing well right now. Were these the only results out of whack? Do you have a copy you can post? Is there any possibility of toxin exposure? Raiding of the garbage? Has a stool check been done, in particular for hookworms? Have you talked with the breeder? Any history or information about other puppies/adults being sick? Has he been walked in parks or public areas? What area/country are you in?

Sorry for the million questions......just getting a clearer picture. :) I'm hoping he starts improving, but those tests are absolutely needed to determine what's next. Have they discussed a blood transfusion? I don't know exactly what his condition is, but a positive result on any of these tests isn't necessarily a catastrophic situation, ok? There isn't any magic cure, we treat him symptomaticly and supportively, but having some of his puppy shots already does possibly help. I'm hoping they do the viral testing sooner rather than later actually, from a diagnostic standpoint. It doesn't necessarily change the treatment if there's a positive result, but if they're negative, it then goes for other diagnostics.

If I can help you with any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask, ok? You're in my thoughts for sure. Let me know how things go if possible, ok? 💕
@deepcoder I would love to answer your questions! He did not conduct any tests other than the cbc and dengue.
  1. Here’s a picture of her CBC result, vomit that day, and her poop that morning which I failed to take to the vet.
  2. Her breeder hasn’t mentioned anything about her siblings/parents being sick.
  3. We never walked him in parks and public areas because I was waiting for her to turn at least a year before we do outdoor activities.
  4. Philippines
Our vet is having a hard time diagnosing what causes the appetite loss and occasional vomiting. Right now, he is treating her with fluids therapy, antibiotics, multivitamins, and appetite stimulants.

I asked him what’s next, and he said he’ll do a cbc test again, see if anything improves or not. Otherwise, he will do the parvo test just to rule it out. He’s hesitant to do the parvo test because my puppy is fully vaccinated + he does not see any significant symptom other than the loss of appetite.
@tiffany1103 Yeah, her other results are technically normal but many on the low end of normal. If he's repeating the CBC, doing a chemistry profile along with it would be a good idea. Parvo and distemper tests are still warranted even with her vaccine history as it's still possible to contract the viruses. Definitely not as likely, but still possible. I've seen it myself here and there over the years. Beyond that, there's other tick borne diseases that can be checked for through blood smear tests, possibly even rechecking a smear for dengue/erlichiosis. There's various antibiotic combos that would be called for depending on the results and may be part of what is already being given.

Is she from a breeder located there in the Philippines? Or was she flown in or shipped in? Did the vet mention her lymph nodes being enlarged at all? Did she have a fever at all? Any jaundice?
@deepcoder That’s what I was thinking too. Vaccines do not guarantee complete immunity from viruses. I’ll visit her tomorrow and talk to her vet about the necessary tests. I spoke to him just an hour ago and he said my puppy still hasn’t eaten.

I got her from a local breeder. She had no fever at all since she got admitted. Here’s some pics and a video of her from today’s visit.

Her vet did not mention anything about her lymph nodes, fever, and jaundice. I’m seriously worried, but seeing her stand up and give me a slight tail wiggle comforts me.

The day before I brought her to the vet, she was so energetic. She’s playing with me like there’s nothing wrong with her, so I’m still really confused about what’s happening.
@tiffany1103 Awww, poor little thing! :( And those eyes! Her little face certainly is saying "I don't feel good..."

Huh, so this kind of hit her over night? Confusing to say the least but does happen sometimes. I'm in the US, but I've talked with people from the Philippines here on reddit who had sick dogs. I've learned you have some nasty toads and the like over there. She's not really a classic presentation, but is there any chance she came in contact with one? Are any neighborhood dogs sick that you're aware of? Further bloodwork will hopefully offer some clues, but the waiting is the worst, I know. I always want to know everything like yesterday, lol. I'm a slave driver on the lab department! :)
@deepcoder Hi! Vet just called and my puppy has still no appetite. There was no vomiting but she had diarrhea w/ blood two times today. He’s going to do parvo and giardia test today and he’ll let me know the results as soon as possible.

Update: I just got home from the vet. She’s negative for CPV, CCV, and GIA. He’s considering pancreatitis although my puppy is not within the age range since all symptoms check out. I’m looking forward to her blood chemistry result tomorrow.

My puppy is bright and alert. Her vitals are stable and she’s very responsive. I’m seriously hoping that her blood chemistry will show what’s really happening.

Vet called and said my puppy has a critical level of 2.1 wbc. I don’t know what to do.
@tiffany1103 Oh, wow! That's a whale of a drop in just two days time. Everything was at the low end of normal but wow! I'd still be thinking something tick related or toxin related. Is she still on antibiotics? Do you know which ones? I know you're scared as anything, I'd be too. Does the vet have the ability to do a blood transfusion? Are any specialists available?
@deepcoder The vet told me he’s going to change antibiotics to Doxycycline. Do you think it’ll change something? He hasn’t mentioned anything about blood transfusion yet, although I’m considering changing vet because he looks really clueless and hopeless. Is it a good idea or I’m just risking my pet’s life?
@tiffany1103 Well, a second opinion never hurts especially if you have doubts about the current care. Get copies of all bloodwork and what's been done treatment wise. Switching to st doxycycline isn't a bad idea at all. If this is a tick borne illness, doxy is a good start. False negatives can happen like with the dengue test. I can't speak to the quality of care exactly, but I'd have preferred to see more complete and comprehensive testing from the start. Especially once the platelet count and initial CBC values were known. Her presentation maybe isn't classic but sometimes it's not for whatever reason. Blood values are concrete.
@tiffany1103 I do have to say that I certainly wouldn't have waited until day 3 to do a chemistry profile. Kidney and liver values are critical to formulating a diagnosis. CBC is also, but it's like looking at half of a photograph, you know?
@deepcoder Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking too. I went to the vet today and my puppy has been very energetic but she still has no appetite and I tried to feed her chicken liver but she puked it as well.

There was no significant findings from her x-ray and we’re still waiting for the blood chem results (i dont understand why it is taking this long). Her CBC, on the other hand, showed improvement within less than 24hrs.

Here’s a picture of her CBC yesterday and today. I think doxycycline is working for her, although it’s still too early to tell. What do you think?

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