things my 7-month-old puppy has dragged outside to chew up today

@huguenot Yup! My dog eats my credit card bills, my employment insurance, my grad photos, paper towel that I used to wipe up his pee, toilet paper, my moms disability claims etc etc 🥲
@huguenot Lol my puppy jumped into my bathtub, stole a razor and was running around the house with it while my boyfriend and I screamed in horror because she was holding the actual razor part in her mouth 🙃 she was totally fine but now we keep them on a very tall shelf
@huguenot I am once again thankful that my dog shows literally no interest in anything that isnt a dog toy except for wool dryer balls... and at least those are easy enough to keep away from him
@huguenot I sprayed the forbidden things with Eucalyptus or Glen20 and his things with some pet bedding freshener stuff. It worked pretty well but he still steals socks and tissues.
@huguenot YMMV but it was fine for us. I wanted to communicate in a language that was intuitive for him - he was 7 months old, removed from a family with good will but no boundaries and mini foxies need all the boundaries!
@isthisreal sure, depends on the spray. but i love the smell of eucalyptus anyway. will give it a try!

my hyper-chewer (who incidentally just tried to drag a small turkish carpet out, but was thwarted by the sheer weight) is also 7 months, no boundaries. i think your approach is a smart one!
@huguenot When my last puppy did this, I took my nephew to the arcade to win all of the stuffies he could with $20. My pup was now totally interested in them instead of the couch cushions.
@huguenot Find a indestructible chew toy bone, Playology makes some great ones, they are around $20 or more dollars but I swear well worth the money, it saved me a lot of what you're going through
@huguenot I love when mine gets a bra or pair of underwear and takes it in the yard to shake it around. He had a pair of leggings the other day and they were trying to play tug with them. It has gotten better since I gotten a little older and now that he has a younger dog to play with. It’s still funny to see him try to maneuver one of his larger finds out of the dog door.

We do give or hide things he allowed to steal like empty water bottles, toilet paper rolls, ect. Sometimes I’ll even mildly hide a new toy. I taught him to bring whatever he has back to me and if it’s something that’s not going to hurt him and it’s ok to get chewed on, I’ll praise him for bringing it to me and let him have it back. This has helped with the running away with things a bit.
@huguenot My pups recent obsession has become Starbucks cups, those tall 20 dollar ones. We have all these cups and when we leave them on the coffee table they’re fine but the second a Starbucks cup lands it’s game on, and shoes of course
@huguenot This won’t be reassuring, but my 6 yo standard poodle only likes two couch pillows which she has crushed beyond recognition because she snuggles with them under her head. All other throw pillows are evil and must be destroyed. I cannot leave the back door open as this is clearly permission to grab one of the offending pillows and take it to the yard to murder it.

Items 2, 3, 7 and 8 are all clearly your toys and will guarantee your attention. In our house they are (in order of importance) oven mitts, my shoes (never anyone else’s), kitchen towels, my husbands clean underwear or clean socks which she will dig out of the laundry basket when I fold and finally wool dryer balls.

Wish you the best with the pillows!

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