You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

@theredraven Not just a glance, because the leash is still tight. We walk when leash is loose.

Returning all the way would be ideal, but my dogs leash isn’t super long, so when he turns his body towards me, he is like halfway there. I would love to have him walk just completely at my side, but I’m content with him not pulling. When he IS at my side, he gets lots and lots of yesses and treats if he will take them.
@infinitas1985 Yes I’ve tried to incorporate this, seen it in a few videos. If I can get him to focus, this does work well. I just really struggle to pull his attention from whatever he’s smelling or chasing or seeing. He just lives in his own world and pulls because he doesn’t care about his surroundings except for what he’s after.
@libra111 Focus needs to be practised at home where there's no distraction, so you can build it up. Also, good leash skills need to be practised inside at home too.

I didn't do this when she was a puppy and it prolonged it so much. She's still not perfect but when we practice the foundations at home multiple times a week, she does a lot better in public.
@infinitas1985 I did this with my puppy, when she was learning how to go on walks she'd pull so hard she's start coughing and gasping for almost choking herself on her harness. There was a period of about three weeks where I'd take her for a half hour walk like.... Just down the street, barely 100 meters. Took a lot of patience hut I guess it started to work eventually. I'd read about it before but think it clicked when I realized the point of it was to teach the puppy to keep checking with me where we're going, instead of just deciding herself OKAY WE'RE GOING THAT WAY LET'S GOOOO. I'll still randomly do direction changes just to keep it interesting for her! But she's 10 months old now and is doing pretty good :)
@libra111 The same, perfect heel every time. I hope the harness works. I have a no pull front clip harness and she will full on pull in a crab walk.
@nicolek Same here, When my girl was really young like 3-4 months old, she will pull hard against her front clip and started to slanted, even when the leash was loose. I got concerned and switched back clip but it did not help her loose leash training at all. I recently switched to front clip again, and while she is pulling less hard, there is still quite a bit of a fight and funny walk there.
@libra111 If he does well inside but not on walks, maybe try practicing walking back and forth in the yard (with treats!). Outside can be really overstimulating, but if you can practice in an outside place that’s more familiar and slightly less stimulating than the streets and eventually get him to focus there, then the next step up to asking him to focus in New Outside Places On Walks might be less drastic for him.
@izzywray Unfortunately he finds the yard to be overstimulating as well. I live behind my parents & he knows that going to their house means more unprotected shit to play with & another dog, so it’s a pull fest to get there too. Of course, I can walk him around inside of their house with no issues. But outside, he doesn’t care about anything but going where he wants to go.
@libra111 I have this harness, and to be honest, it does make things easier, however, I haven’t seen the walking itself corrected. Been using it for a couple of weeks now.

Moment we switch it back to the collar, away he goes.
@libra111 I use my version of a clicker, it’s a squeaky ball to get her back on track. It was a pleasant accident, she wasn’t that interested in playing with it, I accidentally squeezed it when she was distracted from her training and she was alerted.
@libra111 switch to collar. your dog will forever pull on a harness. LOTS of positive reinforcement. if your puppy still pulls on a flat buckle, move on to a martingale. Still doing it? star mark, and so on. keep praising him for healing nicely. LOTS of treats, LOTS of positive reinforcement. A little bit of correcting if needed. this is ur solution. my 10 month puppy NEVER pulls anymore and walks perfectly on command. I have the “ok” command to let him be free and sniff. but if i say “heal”, he’s right back at my side. you need to train train train.

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