Interview at PetSmart for a grooming trainee, what should I expect? [x-posted from r/dogs]

@rochelle Petsmart is a good way to get training and get your foot in the door pretty easily if you have no other option, but its not somewhere I would stick around since the company has gone in a bad direction over the past year or two.

As far as the quality of the training... it really depends on who your trainer and salon manager are. I'm lucky to have had a really good trainer (who had been trained by someone with like ~20 years experience), then intern under my salon manager who has been grooming for ~10 years... but I know not all Petsmarts have that kind of quality in their groomers.

Personally I would see where it goes but just kinda be mindful. If you get along well with the people you work with and your manager doesn't suck, then it might be worth sticking around long enough to become a groomer, get some experience, then dip out and go somewhere else.

How much you actually enjoy the job depends on where you work though. My store isn't incredibly busy all the time, so despite having to share receptionist duties with everyone, its not too bad. I probably get an average of 4 dogs a day even though I can do 6, which isn't amazing but there's no pressure to take more because the business just isn't there. I rarely feel like I'm getting behind or being rushed and I still at least make enough to pay for things. I also like my coworkers so I can pretty comfortably just play out the rest of my contract, then leave and find somewhere with more business.