[help] PetSmart, Just F**k my S**t up, Fams

@rubbishpore Or, the other day, the lady who brought her friend's shih tzu to be groomed. Gave no instructions whatsoever; complained the dog always looks like a rat when she's cut short and the owner doesn't want her to look like a rat. Insisted she wants a proper shih tzu cut, and dropped this one on me:

"You know how they are in shows? Like that."

Dog had maybe this much hair.

The owner was just as vague and unhelpful on the phone when I called her. Always awesome when they give absolutely no direction whatsoever!
@seekinghope We've had similar things happen, especially when one owner likes a mustache or long ears and the other owner thinks it's gross. "oh let's go shorter today!" And the other half picks up the dog and wonders what happened...
@seekinghope I didn't realize this, thanks for the info! I always heard shaving a double coat = the worst thing imaginable. Will it grow in the same too? (Not ever going to shave my dog down haha but just curious)
I always heard shaving a double coat = the worst thing imaginable.

Yeah. Me too, but 19 years ago one of our vets insisted we shave off her BC, and after we saw how the hair just grew back with no problem whatsoever, we started shaving off any and all dogs upon request regardless of the breed. We've never really ever had any problem with it, in all these years, despite what people may say or think.

I believe that at least part of the "it won't grow back the same" myth is due to a condition called telogen effluvium which occurs in humans after major surgery. Basically general anesthetic shocks every hair follicle in the body into a rest state (called the telogen phase), so any bits that got shaved for the surgery don't grow back for some time. My wife experienced this. In any case, I'm pretty sure the same thing happens in dogs from time to time, so people have gotten the impression that shaving somehow affects coat growth. I don't believe it does, or, if it does, it is extremely rare.
@lostlamb5691 My dog is also groomed at Petsmart where I have found a great groomer who I always recommend to others but as with any groomer in any shop, the pet owner needs to take care when selecting a groomer ( find out how long they have been grooming, ask detailed questions about what they will do and have them repeat back to you your instructions, make sure the person you are speaking to is actually the one doing the grooming, watch how they handle dogs, read yelp reviews, if anything feels off don't leave dog there.)