You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

@libra111 My favorite dog logic is the reasoning of “maybe if I bark threateningly at the squirrel in the tree, it will decide to come down and let me eat it”
@1cor1522 Dogs didn't make it through natural selection at all.

The dogs that barked the loudest at the smallest sound were the most valued by humans when there were predators about. Probably only the last 100 years or so that barking has become a nuisance instead of a valuable alert system.
@libra111 I’ve started to worry about people with ring door bells who must have endless footage of me going “Oh my god how do you STILL not get this?! We’ve been doing this three times a day for MONTHS…”
@libra111 The thing is... if you ever move in the direction they pull, they DO think they win. They attribute the pull to going in a direction. Hard to train out :p I tried to standing still whenever there is a pull and eventually they got it.
@libra111 Pulling back on the leash creates more of a problem. It doesn’t teach the dog that pulling is wrong, it teaches them that they need to pull harder to get where they want to go. The biggest thing that helped me with this was to say our keyword (no pull), stop walking, put a treat in front of the nose and guide at the pace you want them. The longer they focus on the treat and walk at the desirable pace, the more praise they get. This has personally worked wonders with stopping my dog from pulling. Puppies being more stubborn because their curiosity and excitement is in full force, this will take more time and patience. But pulling back on your dog is considered leash popping, which has been studied to negatively affect service dogs in their work. It causes those dogs to be more distracted and less in tune with their owner. The same would apply to a regular pet. I hope you give this a try and it ends up helping!
@antonio13 My problem with this solution is that we want our dog to sniff around. We don't want him walking heel. (I mean, no harm in heel, I'll reward the heck out of him if he does it naturally, but sniffy walks is what we aim for.)

I've been trying the slow down and stop way, doesn't seem effective. I also have tried the turn go the other way if pulling, and if I do that a few times in a row, he seems to grasp the concept. (I praise him when he turns with me, and try to make it a fun thing.)

SO has had vacation and has been walking him more. I usually do the 2 m leash, he usually does the flexi leash (he hates the short one). He walks slower than I do, and I only barely match my pup's comfort speed. It seems the more he's on flexi leash, the worse the pulling gets. I get him back into line after a few walks, but it's a bit meh we can't seem to figure the walks out properly. I suppose I should try teach him how to handle walking slower, but think that'll be quite annoying. Perhaps I'd be happier with a 3 meter leash.

We did a pack walk the other evening, that is, me my SO and our dog. I held the 2 m leash, we walked my SO's pace. SO MUCH PULLING looooordy lord...
@onceawaretwiceempowered I’m not telling you to use a heel. You’d only call him back when significant pressure is applied the leash. My dogs don’t walk in heel whatsoever, the light heel is only when they’re chasing the treat, once the treats given they stick by briefly in hopes for more then calmly continue on. They just know to pay some attention to what I’m doing because I’m exciting too. It’s not just about being outside, especially with a puppy, their exploration needs to have training included. When my pup gets rowdy we stop and practice some tricks before continuing which helps redirect his mind and slow him down a bit. The outdoors should be both exciting and neutral so it isn’t a frenzy to rush and sniff everything as fast as possible before it’s over
@antonio13 I try some of the same things. Like call his name, do some commands once in a while. But he generally pays me little attention. He’s bonded with my SO, and only bonds with one person. Struggling like crazy on puppy course. Obsessed with sniffing.

Trainers keep telling me to make myself more than interesting, and I’ll act like an insane person and still get nothing.

While me and my SO did said pack walk we tried getting his attention when almost home. My SO jumped around a bit sillily, and out pup was immediately all woo we playing??? Woooo!!!

I tried the same thing a bit after and no matter how insane I acted jumping and flailing about, he was just walking like normal. Wasn’t even sniffing at the time. The only way I got a reaction was calling his name. (Something I do several times on regular walks where he gets a reward if he turns and looks at me.)

We’ll never make the end of the course test….
@onceawaretwiceempowered Have you started workin on walks in the house with the dog? It might be easier for you to get his attention and reinforce listening to you if you practice at home. I’m sure you have but I wanted to give a suggestion that might help!
@fire Yes. He does amazing in the house. I've videotaped it and showed the trainers some weeks ago, and they're a bit preplexed he's so good at home, but so pling in the head at the course. But to be fair, we've not moved it into the garden all that much. So I'm doing that now that the days are finally nice and warm. Had a session in the garden today. He ran off a few times, wanted to play with his toys, saw someone on the road, but he _did_ come back and we completed our little training session. I do not leash him during this, because he hates the harness, and I rather not stress him out. He got very well rewarded for coming back when I asked him too, cause I could tell he wanted to do other things, but listened anyways. Gotta take the small wins where I can get them.

One thing I ought to try out though, is to leash his collar, and see if he's able to walk around the house with that. Maybe we can do it that way.
@onceawaretwiceempowered That’s great that he came back! Always give lots of praise for a dog returning on his own. Yeah work in the garden and then start working for small short walks nearby. You can make the walks longer as he gets better.
@fire I feel like I overdo it with the treats and stuff sometimes, as I've always heavily rewarded things we're working on, and that I really want him to learn. But he's not a fan of praise/touch, and toys I'm not so fond of using, as he's not good at drop it. (Nor is he _that_ toy motivated. When playing, we sometimes end up just trying to give each other the tug toy, rather than playing tug lol.)

Trainers keep telling us to reward well though, so I'll keep doing it.

His collar is a bit thin, so wonder if it's wise to leash the collar. It's one of those round ones in leather. ("round sewed" it's called in our language). Will see.
@onceawaretwiceempowered Have your SO switch to a long line lead and play the same games that work with you between you and your pup on the 2 m leash, and see if this works with consistency. It works for my Dane, I'm doing the same for my Poodle puppy. I don't personally think all dogs will grasp the same concept between two different lengths, but it might be worth a shot and still allow your fur baby some independence while keeping slack in the lead
@libra111 Haha, I so feel this.

I know that this post was mostly a vent, and loose leash walking is tough to train. But on a serious note, I will say — remember that pulling is self-reinforcing for dogs. They pull and get to continue forward. They don’t really see it as a “loss” — they’re getting to continue forward, so it’s a win.

That’s the beauty in front-clip harness and other tools that prevent forward movement when pulling.
@kdbeats_91 I have a freedom no pull harness in the mail as we speak. It’s got the two clips, one in front and one on top. I’ve heard great things… we’ll see how it goes. Just mostly frustrates me because he doesn’t do it whatsoever when we practice inside. Outside, it’s like he’s never seen me before & doesn’t need to pay attention to me.

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