I cannot believe the condition she was in

@gary987 They basically just placed the dog with a family to use it as a free and easy breeding machine for more doodle puppies, without having to actually do any care for the dog themselves. BYBs, always looking for ways to outdo each other I guess. Poor dog.
@gary987 Ethical doodle breeders are almost non existent. Most would say there’s none, but I’m sure there’s like 0.5% out there somewhere who are at least trying. AFAIK the ‘angel breeding program’ thing is nearly always a puppy mill - they use the dog being owned by someone else as an excuse to have more dogs and therefore more litters.
@xekuter That’s how one of the breeders that comes in gets away with having a c section every other week. Most recent event is she flew in a dog from another state, had her c section, took away the pups, then sent mom back to be quarantined! (Approx 120 day holding period)
@gary987 this is an exact retelling of what happened with my bernedoodle client. she's at the breeder for her last litter right now.

i hate doodle breeders in general and when i heard about the contract i had some serious doubts. it seems like a method to take the least responsibility for an animal and make the most money off them. when she came back matted, anxious, and in pain, i realized it was even worse than i thought. they even had her nurse a second litter while she was there last time.
@gary987 No such thing as an ethical doodle breeder. 100% of them are purely money grubbing scumbags. So sorry she got put through that - mom's got to find a way to break that contract. It would be so cruel to put her through that again.
@gary987 I think it's up to how strict laws around animal cruelty are enforced in your area. I would definitely report as well as the mom. Animal control is more likely to listen to us being a professional opposed to an anxious pet parent. Plus the more of a paper trail. I REALLY hope you took pictures and documented the entire groom. This isn't fair to that pet parent, dog and all future pet parents and dogs this breeder will do this too. This makes me so mad and sad. I would be heartbroken to see one of my clients come in like that.
@rachel24 You best believe I took photos, I didn’t want to include them because they genuinely made me too upset and I don’t wanna post anything without the owners permission. I think you have a great point about our position as professionals, it makes sense. They might take her more seriously if we’re able to back her up