What is the worst thing your puppy has ever done?

@wayned My story also involves a dead animal. When I went to let my dog in the house I could tell he had something in his mouth, but wasn't concerned because he likes to carry stuff around. As he comes in, though, I see that it's the back half of a Very large rabbit. When I go to grab it he runs under the bed with it. I grabbed him by the back legs and pulled him out, all the while he's growling like a mad dog! As I attempt to pull the carcass out of his mouth he swallowed it whole!! WTF? He's not that big a dog, so after about 10 seconds he proceeds to puke it up. I had to grab the dead, pukes up half a rabbit with my bare hands and wrestle it away from a pissed off Dexter. Man that was gross! They are so lucky we love them.
@vrl Oh GOD. That’s got to be a pretty “great” runner up. At least he expelled it himself and saved you the trip and money to the vet. How you didn’t throw up I have no idea. I was GAGGING and on the verge of Passing away removing the deer from my friends house. We didn’t even bother trying to take it off the couch. Just Noped out and put the whole couch at the curb Carcass and all. 🤢
@wayned I was definitely gagging. My parents had a house with 25 acres so I would let my dogs run around loose when I was there. One time, when I was house sitting for them my Lab drug a deer carcass up from the woods. I called my brother in law to get rid of it. but he didn't bury it, so she brought it back in pieces. It never made it inside though! That's brutal!
@wayned Oh my god. You win, but I’ll share anyway.

Once I was eating sardines. He was being a good boy, begging from a distance, so I threw him one. I watched him pick it up and walk to the living room, which he normally does with treats and toys. I walk into the living room to see him rolling in the sardine. It was all over him, and mashed into my carpet.

He pooped on my moms bed.

He attempted to hump my one year old niece.

He took off on Christmas Eve and ran across the street. Attempted to go into someone else’s backyard. When he saw the gate was closed and he couldn’t get in, he ran back. He did not look both ways.
@shanekeeslar Ha, we give our poodle puppy freeze dried minnows and she loves them as a high value treat for training. Well we’re visiting our in-laws and they have a 4 year old golden who is very picky. I offered her a minnow and at first she was very hesitant, but decided to gently take it…and then threw it on the ground and starting rolling her whole body on it 😂 I thought it was hilarious and cute but her mom, who was skeptical of the minnows in the first place, was less amused!
@wayned My absolutely adorable pup shredded my passport 36 hours before I was boarding an international flight. I was so mad at him. It all worked out, I managed to get an emergency passport in time but OMG I was livid.
@wayned My puppy on the rainiest day of the year, dug under the fence, covered in mud, ran through the neighbours dog door at 6am, through her white hallway with white carpet and got into bed with her.

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