My foster dog is doing the cutest thing..

@kimmyk401 OMG - this is the perfect, foster fail! We just got a 4 yr old black lab, and I am so head-over-heels in love, and so is my husband. He needs training as his former owner did nothing other than housebreaking him. Enjoy all the love!
@kimmyk401 i love labs. we rescued one two years ago and he’s sweet as he can be. he’s great with our 6 month old doberman and doesn’t bother the chickens even after being a retired duck dog. he’s an older boy so we’re not sure how long we have with him, but we definitely cherish every day we have
@kimmyk401 I think this dog is YOUR dog now. One of my dogs used to curl up with my shoe, sock, hair scrunchie, or even my lip balm. It was so sweet, it made me melt. I guess she outgrew it, but she definitely loves her mama (so does her twin sister).
@kimmyk401 This is the BEST! She is so grateful. Our last pup used to gather up all my shoes (like 6 pairs) and sleep on them...trying to find the one that smelled most like me. Your shoes have the best scent to help them feel connected and safe.
@kimmyk401 Oh my, my greyhound girl does the same with my shoes if I even leave for a different room haha, and if she is cold she always says no to unused t-shirts to wear :) I hope Camille ends up in the most loving home
@kimmyk401 🥰🥰🥰my baby girl does this. If me or my boyfriend are gone for awhile we’ll come home to find one of our shoes in here kennel with her. I absolutely melt when I find them, so sweet. That’s why I try to leave a shirt I wore with her when I leave🥰🥰.
@kimmyk401 My 9 year old also does this. When we do laundry we separate it by colors, and while we’re doing one batch we leave the rest on a pile on the floor next to the washing machine, and very often we’ve found him laying on top of the clothes pile, or if I leave my used clothes on my bed I’ll also find him later laying on them, or using my pillow as his own pillow. Dogs are such sweethearts.