PSA: If you think to yourself “doing x-activity would be a pain with a puppy”..


New member
You should absolutely do it with your puppy. Going on a quick car ride? Take your puppy. Going for a beer at a dog friendly patio? Take your puppy. Exploring a nice walking area? Take your puppy.

If you want your fully grown dog to accompany you everywhere than start by taking your puppy everywhere. It’s going to be a pain at first but I’ve seen incredible growth in my 14 week old by gritting through the growing pains and fully integrating him into my lifestyle. He’s socialized completely and in new situations he doesn’t flinch. I look at every new experience when my first reaction is “that will be a pain” as a chance to let him learn so that it won’t “be a pain” for the rest of his life.

Start now. Start soon. Be smart of course with vaccinations but weigh the risks vs. rewards and make the call. I took my puppy in the car all the time, even when he couldn’t get out and now car rides are a breeze. He literally lays down and sleeps. It’s not stressful anymore because I did it enough that he’s used to it.

It’s the best thing you can do for you and your pup. Good luck!

Puppy Tax (River Hike Exploration - hint: it was kind of a pain but I want us to be able to do more of these so it was worth the slow going!) Plus he cute.
@gigilynn2 This is actually really helpful advice! We’ve only really taken our to the vet or the dog park, so we’re going to start to take her more places like outside patios and whatnot! Our first outing is tomorrow at outdoor Covid safe brunch with my work friends!!
@tiiira I felt like I was packing for an expedition the first time I took my pup to an outdoor lunch. A non-squeaky toy, two different hard chews, a supposedly long-lasting bone-type chew (her hyena jaws make short work of anything termed “long lasting”), and treats ... so freaking many treats. In the end, there was so much activity that she laid down and just ... observed. She started getting antsy toward the end of lunch but man, I was so proud of my girl.
@celtish Reminds me of the stress of packing a diaper bag for a baby the first few times! Maybe get yourself a “puppy pack” and just have a set of treats, toys, a travel bowl, some plastic bags etc all ready so you can just grab and go and not be super worried about if you have everything you need. My old dog had a backpack he would wear!

Just remember to replenish the items as they get low because me and my husband have had plenty of “I thought you had put a new package of wipes in the bag!”.
@tiiira Good luck! I had great luck with a chew of some sort to occupy him. He would observe the hustle and bustle but it was something to go back to and keep him occupied. Your pup will do great!
@tiiira I don’t know if I’d start with a brunch with a group of people. I’d start with grabbing a coffee so you can leave if it overloads your puppy.
@paramedic84 Agreed. I’d start where I’m not disturbing or inconveniencing a group of people tbh. Bc you might only actually succeed for like 15 minutes and then need to leave .
@tiiira I have taken our puppy to many brunches and gatherings. I warn people ahead of time but no one is ever like OMG HOW INCONVENIENT AN ADORABLE PUPPY. They would, however, most likely be inconvenienced by a large, rambunctious, unsocialized dog joining us... so as OP stated, I’ve made it a priority for now. My preferred method for these events is a familiar dog bed and a metal tether. Our pup basically knows “settle” when tethered now, so it’s really convenient.

Edit - we also bring a diaper bag of water, treats, chews, different length leashes for potty / decompression breaks, etc ;)
@tiiira Good luck...I still haven't had the courage to take my 4mo to the dog park.. it feels really uncontrolled and m scared of how she or any of the 20 other random sample of dogs may react..

We do take her to pet boarding and cafes for socialising..
@paulniven Yeah personally I won't be taking my future dog to a dog park. Trust your gut, they can get better socialization in boarding/friends dogs/daycare.

I've heard too many horror stories about dog parks to risk it.
@tiiira The dog park poses the most risk to your dog compared to cafes bars and restaurants

If the vet already told you it’s ok to go to the dog park then you can definitely take them to public places
@gigilynn2 I have to make post office runs every day and I’ve brought my puppy for months since he was 9 weeks - he LOVES the car now at 6 months and instantly falls asleep (the only time he settles lol).

It was too cold when we got him in January to bring him places like out to eat, for walks in town, etc, but we hope to start doing so bc he loves it and everyone loves him ha. We did take him on a warm day to get ice cream and he was so good!

It was always my dream to be able to take my dog as many places as possible because I tend to get anxiety when I’m out, and he’s an instant distraction just by being there.
@hopefulmuse It’s never too late. I just think the anxiety of bringing a dog places can slowly decrease the more you bring your dog places! I wish you the best of luck and I’m so happy to hear they are a distraction for your anxiety. Good luck!
@newman1992 Not OP but I’ve been doing a lot of driving with my puppy. I started her out in a doggie car seat (basically a glorified box with no top) in the front passenger seat. Her harness came with a car clip, so I buckled in the car clip and then clipped it to her harness. I think the car seat was a helpful start since she felt safe curled up inside.

I waited until she felt completely comfortable in the front (immediately settled once I got in the car with her) before I moved her to the back passenger seat (where she’ll stay). We made the move today and the transition was seamless! She now prefers to sleep directly on the seat instead of in the box.
@newman1992 I started with my pup in his travel crate in the back. After getting groceries, I sit with the tailgate open and we'd hang out for a little bit, watch the world go by. When he was getting too big for his travel crate, I transitioned him to a Sleepypod harness, and now he buckles in and either looks out the window or naps.

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