PSA to men who ask us groomers if they can get a haircut too, please stop. It’s creepy

@bonitadan My boss's response to that is to tell them, "When we give haircuts, we shave everything. So be prepared to drop your pants."

Lol gets them to change the subject real quick.
@bonitadan Ya they didn’t stay clients
For long those were not the only
Inappropriate things they said or did. Twice I. 20 years isnt to bad I guess.
@rui The fuck? Why do men think a comment like that is ok?! Especially in someone's place of business jfc. I mean honestly it's fuckin gross regardless. I don't kink shame or anything, but goddamn man there's a time and a place to ask someone about maybe trying it out/participating in it together lmao.
@collinsblalock Ya one of them would always corner me and try to kiss me, I fired him. It was the first time I fired a client and I was a baby groomer so I was terrified I’d get in trouble. Once my bosss found out he was soooo sad I thought I had to accept that behavior from a client.
@rui That's so fucked omg, I'm so sorry that happened to you but so glad your boss validated you and had your back on firing that nasty ass customer.

Ugh. It's a damn shame that anyone thinks it's OK to violate someone like that at all, much less their goddamn dog groomer while you're stuck there just trying to do your job.
@bonitadan Yuuuuck people are gross, and some of the stories in the comments are just flat out harassment… I’m so sorry you have to deal with this.

Is it possible to blacklist the customers who take this “joke” too far? Not in an aggressive way, just always being “fully booked, sorry” when they call/blocking their number? I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable doing business with someone who has proven to be so disrespectful.
@bonitadan I work at a vet clinic that is majority female. I'm a quiet person in the workplace and a bit shy, especially when i started 5 years ago. I keep to my little hidey hole, but when I have to do a dog that needs anesthesia to groom I'm obviously subjected to be in the clinic.

I was grooming away, no biggie, when I first started. And the one male "tech" asked me if I could cut his hair. I turned around and he had a tuft of the dogs hair holding at his crotch.

Everyone laughed. I did not and was extremely embarrassed.

Yes this was allowed in front of my boss at a veterinary clinic.
@bonitadan We have a help wanted sign outside for bathers, and some weird guy came in and said “soooo…what’s a bather? Do we like, all get in the tub and wash each other hahaha??” Such a perv
@bonitadan OMG the worst I have ever had like that is when one man said to me will you do my anal glands too and of course right after that comment he snorted in was just as disgusting! I gave him the most disgusted look. He never came back thank goodness! So gross
@bonitadan I hate it. It’s creepy. It’s uncomfortable.

I have literally had a male client go behind my table and put a tip in my pocket and say what about now?

So now I won’t say anything witty. I just give them a grossed out look and ask “excuse me?” That usually shuts them up.

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