PSA to men who ask us groomers if they can get a haircut too, please stop. It’s creepy

@nataliebrooke Wtf possesses someone to make such a gross comment in a place of business? I'll never fuckin understand what these dudes think might happen in a situation like this, and how they can possibly justify going ahead with such a dumbass "joke"... Like imma be like "hell yea daddy take me home, insinuate some more about how I'm gonna be your pet and/or live-in personal barber and groomer" I mean come the fuck on lmao.
@collinsblalock Same people that think hitting on cashiers, waitstaff, etc is appropriate. My dude, I HAVE to be nice to you, I am NOT hitting on you. blergh. I'm not sorry I'm over 40 now. It still happens but a lot less now.
@thankfullness Yea I'm getting to mid thirties and definitely look a little older nowadays than when I was in my 20s with perfect skin and was more thin (literally had an eating disorder so it was esp uncomfortable when people commented on my body), and it's been so nice to deal with that BS less often lol. Definitely still happens but it's less! I'll be glad to be over 40 relatively soon so it'll be even less likely to happen :p
@bonitadan I groom my schnauzer at home and while walking her in my neighborhood, I had a guy repeatedly do this. Every. Single. Time. He. Saw. Me. Like, “Oh your dog looks great! Where do you take them?”

“I groom her myself!”

“Oh, will you do my hair?”

“Haha, no thanks.”

And then every time he saw me walking around “When am I getting that haircut?!”

@frostyman I hate this so much, I’d actually be unnerved. Make sure to carry some sort of protection, pepper spray, whatever you can. He’s probably fine but still better to be safe!
@bonitadan It's not really creepy unless they're making it creepy. It's just way overused and I find it REALLY DIFFICULT to muster a pity chuckle at this point. They'll just get some pew pew finger guns and an "ahh.. you."

The new version of this I got was a dad putting his kid on the counter and saying "can this guy get a haircut?"

That one got a small laugh because the kid enjoyed it.
@slappy1402 The kid one is adorable and I’d be happy to play a part in the joke!
I’ve had some really nice men who are genuinely trying to be funny and I do play along even though I’m so tired of it lol.
It’s actually not my clients who do this to me at this point. Since I’m mobile I find it to happen often when I’m pumping gas or even at a red light and I have my window down. It’s become sort of like a cat call at this point and it’s insufferable!
@bonitadan Switch it up; I say, “Only if you want to look like a poodle!”

Same problem with overused joke, just like how cashiers hear, “Oh it doesn’t have a tag on it, it’s free!”

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