Petsmart or Animal Heaven?


New member
I want ti start my career as a profesional groomer, i don’t know yet which is the best option, because in petsmart is a carrer of one-2 years obviuosly earning low but animal heaven is 12 weeks course and is 10 k, can anyone in vancouver and bc give me some advice🙏🏻
@meme3 Grooming is kind of a learn on the job/apprenticeship type of thing. Corporate kind of sucks for a lot of reasons but at least gives you experience, and if it ends up that grooming is simply not a job for you (it’s not for everyone) you don’t lose anything. I don’t know about that specific school… but a lot of them are kind of scammy tbh.
@xekuter Thanks!, and i do too believe that practice and experience is key and in petsmart at minimum in the first year i will work with 200 dogs, i will continue my research but thanks for your words🙏🏻
@meme3 I like PetSmart for learning, it gives you experience as well to put on your applications. I think it really depends on if your salon leader is good at training you, cause mine is great but I've heard stories about other salons
@meme3 I have been a groomer for 10+ years and have worked at all of the different types of salons. I work at a PetSmart now and love it. I appreciate the focus on safety which was not present at a lot of Mom and Pop salons I used to work at. Even mobile grooming doesn't compare to having a staff that is properly trained to help in an emergency situation. Plus it's only two-ish years.

Grooming is experience based but having the foundation of safety will minimize the danger of accidentally hurting a dog for yourself!
@meme3 They'll train you as a bather first, and the amount of support you get for that will help you figure out if you're happy with your salon leader
Ok, if you are not comfortable with your leader can you change of salon? I dont know if you can tell me this but, which salons have you heard terrible experiences🙈?