O wish I know what is the problem with my dog

@dcyshy They said that he might have licked a chemical substance but I never use that spray that kills insects or so neither clean the floor with a toxic substance to dogs...As I said in the description he eats the best food I can get I cook for him chicken, rice carrots and sometimes bread without any onions or salsas or anything harmful for dogs, but as I also said he has the habbit of eating anything from the streets if he saw it like a bone or anything edible. I don't know the reason all I know that I take care of him, and I don't know of this habit he has has to do with all what he suffers now? Or is it a neurological problem? Could it be the anaplasma?
@dannyd545 First: train your dog not to eat food from the Street. How is he even able to eat something, if you have him on a leash...i do not understand...Our dog started to have seizures with about 8 years...he had a brain Tumor..
@cb_isme I've been struggling with it, yes even when he's on leash he is extremely fast sometimes I catch him before when he sees something on the street he can eat sometimes his speed can get him away with it even though sometimes I try to get it out of his mouth he fights me not to let it out sometimes I win sometimes he does so I can't always avoid it, yes I know some young dogs have seizures at a young age due to various reasons and I'm here for advice and if anyone experienced this with their dog to share it with me as I'm dying to know what's going on.
@dannyd545 Take some goodies with you he really!! Loves...make sure you have them ready to feed (no fiddling in pocket to get it out), watch where could be something he might eat and bring him near it, and let him realise there is "shit to eat", as soon as you see him realising "aaah shit to eat", call him for example"leave it Stitch"(wathever parole you like)/pull his leash simmultaneously towards you (not too harsh, leash should be shorter, not to long first) give him the treat and a "good boy". Repeat over and over, but not to often in a row (not hungry anymore. No point) At the end you should be able to tell him not to take it, and the "good boy" is his treat. Took me a few weeks to stop my shepard to stop eating the most disgusting things on this Planet, even off leash.