My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!

@wemchud My corgi pup stopped most of the biting when his adult teeth came in. He will bite near my hand now, but has learned that biting=bad. If my fingers are close to his mouth, he will lick instead of bite.
@wemchud Corgi owner here, and I have a few tricks:
1. Take away water bowl before bed. I’m talking at least an hour, maybe two (don’t want them to go to bed thirsty tho). This reduced pees in the middle of the night from 3-4 times to just 1 with my 10 week old
2. When they bite you make a sharp dog-like wail. By emulating a sound they know means pain this teaches them it is not ok and (at least mine) stops almost immediately. Be sure to give them a chew toy to replace the urge of biting you
3. Carrots do wonders to satisfy their need to bite. I hold one end at all times to monitor and ensure he’s not biting off a chunk bigger than he can swallow

Good luck!
@vanderdeken Needed to read this today. Depression is hitting me hard this week, and on top of that I’ve been taking care of my just turned 12 week puppy. It’s been a particularly bad couple days, it’s not his fault, it’s just been really hard.
@latestnews I struggle with depression and bpd too so it was super hard for me but I haven’t had an episode he hasn’t helped me out of for a while now because of my little guy. Hang in there and stay strong!
@vanderdeken Well done :) it's such hard work! I'm in the middle of it all atm and we're getting some good hours and some hours that feel like an endless struggle. It's really good to know it gets better and I really appreciate how much hard work goes into having a happy and healthy puppy so want to acknowledge what you have achieved :) be proud!
@vanderdeken I will never get another puppy. We’re at 7.5 months and she is still exhausting. We were doing really well with potty training and then overnight it was like she completely forgot everything.
@vanderdeken Thank you for this, OP. My wife and I brought home our 8 week old cocker spaniel / border jack cross last weekend, and it has been one helluva ride! Emotions have run especially high for me, as I don't generally cope well with change, but he's getting used to us and our home, so we're just looking forward to the amazing times with our new little family member.

On point 2, I'm really trying to redirect him to his chew toys, with mixed success - please tell me this works out in the end? My poor wife seems to be getting the brunt of the nipping/biting unfortunately, which can sometimes frustrate me, but I just have to keep reminding myself that he's still so young.
@noelchristensen One of the methods we used was redirecting mainly in the early stages. What worked more for us was making an ‘ah-ah’ sound and leaving the room for a few minutes. It gave puppy time to decompress and to also realize biting = playtime is over and the fun people are gone. Eventually my pup associated ‘ah-ah’ with us leaving so it became a correction word in a way and we would just use that and reward when he stopped biting. It also just seems to get better naturally as they finish teething!!
@vanderdeken Thank you for putting how I feel into words!!! I feel everything you've said in this post SO MUCH.

I also cried a lot. My puppy's bites were hard enough to cut through the skin and bruise at the same time. He would pee and poop in the house if I turned my back for 10 seconds, and he would scream bloody murder while in his crate. I hated him so much for making my life so miserable.

BUT you're right, it is getting better. Every single day. I'm putting so much effort into training but it's paying off, and he's becoming my giant lovebug.

It gets better, but oh dear god, it's rough until it does. They look cute at this age for a reason. It's an evolutionary mechanism otherwise we wouldn't suffer to take care of them so much.
@vanderdeken Two days ago our little guy bit me and I stood up and cried for 5 min. He barked at me the whole time I cried. I know he’s just a puppy and dogs are different from humans but damn, I wish he could understand how much it hurts us. So lucky to have a partner to do training together (and give each other breaks). Thanks for sharing!
@vanderdeken Our pup is 7 months old and one thing I would do differently in hindsight is move any furniture we didn't want chewed on away. She would nibble the corners but stopped once teething was done (yes she had plenty of chew toys and distractions haha).

If I knew it was a short phase I would have just kept them safe.
@vanderdeken I think my pup is the opposite, when he was 8 wks he very rarely was bitey but starting at 12 weeks (he’s now 4 months) he started to draw blood. I can’t wait for this stage to be over 😅

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