I wish we had a tag that said, “doodles, amirite?”

@cmotorsportsministries I'll never forget the guy who insisted he had a rough collie because that's what the shelter listed the dog as...

It was a pit 😐 he also thought his dog had long hair and needed to be shaved. Again. It. Was. A. Pit.
@brendacast I just want there to be a PSA for all adopters that shelters are throwing a guess out there 50% of the time and the other 50% are pitties/mixes they're classifying as anything else but pitties so they're more likely to be adopted and gets them better treatment.
@brendacast Disclosure- I live somewhere American pitbulls are illegal so I've only seen pictures of them. Don't they have really short hair? Why did he think it was a rough collie? Did he just think it was a little bald? Did the shelter accidentslly mislabel the dog or did they also think it was a rough collie somehow?
@cmotorsportsministries “It’s not a mutt. My doodle is pure bred.”

I love the insane size issues.
One lady came into my shop with her sheep-doodle, to be followed in by another lady that was like:
1st lady “oh my god is he a sheep-doodle??”
2nd lash “yeah! He’s huge. He was supposed to be 50lbs but he’s over 75”
1st lady “HA! Mine was supposed to be 75 - he’s over 100lbs!”

I can’t 🤦🏻‍♀️

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