I wish we had a tag that said, “doodles, amirite?”

@thankfullness Considering in in 80s my family had the ever popular cockerpoo they've been around a lot longer just not called doodles. I do know our lovely Pumpkin was a sweet boy, nothing even close to the manic doodles of today
@imagebeastmarkbeast I feel like a lot of the poodle mixes from years ago really were smaller too. A family friend had a pekingese/poodle mix when I was in elementary school. Now they just get bigger and bigger and more unstable. It's sad.
@imagebeastmarkbeast Someone at my work was showing a picture of a saint Bernard doodle on insta and saying how she wanted one. I popped up with how much work it is to keep a dog that big Instagram friendly and how bad a lot of doodle temperaments are. Hopefully discouraged her from getting one.
@fudge I hope it did discourage her. Our Gurgi is a sweet temperament, no signs of crazy and very easily trained but that is pure luck. I never would have sought out a husky standard poodle mix.
@fudge A friend of mine went from a small mix of some kind to a bernadoodle. "They said he was a mini". He's over 100 pounds of drooling crazy. Luckily I don't groom large dogs any more because I have a hard time saying no to friends 😂
@ozd Ah yes, my fully grown at least four year old dog that immediately grew four inches in the first couple of months and my vet said ‘maybe a year’.

We did not want a puppy. That was not an adult dog.
@lizamarie Me too!! Got my “40 pound adult” dog from the shelter (to be fair, she was a foster fail and I would have kept her no matter what, but she’s my first dog and that’s what they told me), only to find out that she was a six month old teenage puppy. Now she weighs 89 pounds.
@gibson We went to puppy school with my dog, an a family insisted they had a border collie. It was a staffy mix. Looked NOTHING like a collie. The trainer was like, yeah - that’s not a collie guys 😂

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