I wish we had a tag that said, “doodles, amirite?”

@thankfullness When I was a groomer I had a “Sheltie trim up” scheduled in my “small” slot when I was supposed to take lunch after. In walks a 14 year old Chow that hadn’t been groomed in 2 YEARS and “can be a little snappy and might put her teeth on you and press down but she doesn’t bite.” WTF do you define as a bite then???? It was not a good day.
@gibson 150lb keeshond. "100% purebred."

What walked in was an unkempt, poorly bred, all white, old english sheepdog.

The owners are... interesting people...
@joyinyah At risk of sounding like these people, they love to tell me that my 100% researched ethically bred Maltese is a poodle mix because his hair at a certain length gets slightly less than straight after the rain/beach and they haven’t seen a properly bred Maltese before.

@gibson My schnoodle mutt is at home with a home groom rn, I get it. Lol

But, to the original; some dogs can definitely just present differently than breed standard or what is assumed they look like. 99% of the time, we just roll with it, as long as they are a good baby, idc what the breed is on papers vs. actuality.
The dog that walked in was not even close to a keeshond. They're like 35lb pomsky looking dogs. We all took bets on him being just a big husky mix or something. Instead, nope, just a poorly bred mess of 150lb old english.
@joyinyah Agree with you, but that’s so messed up. I hate that people do zero research and just go with what the backyard breeder says. I’ve seen plenty of “Maltese” but they’re so nice, which is really what matters.

My maltese does have the teacup look without actually being teacupped, so I do get it. Made sure I got a perfectly healthy dog.

I love that you say schnoodle mutt lol
@cmotorsportsministries Lmao, this reminds me of a client I had who was booked for a haircut with a yellow lab. I saw it on my schedule and thought, okay, maybe it's a very old dog they can't bathe anymore or there's a skin condition or something. Maybe it's a labradoodle. Maybe it's actually a golden retriever. Nope. Comes in with a four month old full blooded yellow lab and asks for a haircut. I look at the dog, then back at the owner.

"You want a haircut?"


"I'm sorry, I don't totally understand--do you need him shaved for a medical reason? Does he have hair on his paw pads that seems like it's bothering him or getting dirty that need to be shaved? Does he just need the area around his genitals shaved, is he getting that dirty?"

"Um...no, just, when I got him, someone told me that dogs need haircuts. I wasn't sure how long I should let it get before I brought him in. We've had him a week."

"Ma'am, this is a Labrador retriever?"


"His coat is never going to get any longer than this. He'll never need a haircut."


"...would you like me to bathe him?"

"...yes, please."
@phero Oh I totally agree! The owner was a total sweetheart, tipped well, listened attentively, just hadn't really been well educated by whoever gave her the dog and hadn't found adequate resources outside of that to know that labs are shorthaired for life. The thing that stuck out to me was that someone had said "hey you should do this" and she's immediately taken it as "oh, this is a thing he needs? Then this is a thing he's getting, as soon as possible."

The same dog came back in a month or so later and I noticed while I was playing around with him after he dried that he had an EXTREMELY slight limp, favoring his back left leg. I really think the only reason it stood out to me is because that's a thing I automatically watch for as I was a kennel tech for a long time and it was part of my intake and pickup checklist.

I mentioned it to the owner at pickup and not only had she already noticed it, she had already made him a vet appointment.
@worth 100%, she was so cool. And I believe the injury was acquired during a very long game of fetch so I think he was doing just fine on that front too. I know she had multiple small kids so god knows they were probably wearing each other out lol

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