O wish I know what is the problem with my dog


New member
A white german sheperd, his name is Stitch he's 1year and 8 months old I have him since he was a little puppy of 45 days old he is loving playful nice and very energetic, I took a very good care of him like a child of mine, he eats the best food we walk up to 2 hours daily we play a lot and spend a lot of time together, he has a one and a very bad habbit of eating whatever food is thrown in the streets and licks whatever he feels like when he gets the chance, one day in January 2023 he got seizures that lasted some seconds I got horrified took him to the vet he they diagnosed it as poisining so he took IV fluids and antibiotics for three days and he got better, later the same year in July 2023 he started having the same problem again I took him again diagnosed with the same thing and had the same solution and he got better and didn't suffer any problems until 4 days ago he had another seizure and I took him for the third time and this time we did an abdominal xray and it showed that everything works fine just there were slight gases and inflammation that he wrote a prescription with medications to cure it, and recommended having a blood sample from him for anaplasma toxoplasma and pcp tests to see the core of the problem they all were negative except anaplasma was positive with a small percentage which they all said it's fine, my dog was all fine for three days but starting yesterday morning he began barking non stop even when I have to leave him for 5 or 10 minutes to go to the bathroom or go shopping for the house or whatever I have to leave him temporarily for...barking breaking things and destroying...when I'm around like right now while writing this he is sleeping near me. What's wrong...and I'm afraid that something would happen again if there are any vets here or anyone that is familiar with dog's health or behavioral problems let me know what is or what to do?...
@dannyd545 The GSD I had growing up had seizures. Years after they started, we found out it was because of his bucket. My dad would keep 10 gallon plastic buckets in the yard that didn’t have anything in them and didn’t have chemicals or anything and he would roll them around and throw them in the air and have a grand time. Turns out whatever was in the plastic was causing the seizures. When we took the buckets away, he never had another one. If your dog has plastic toys, toss them. I doubt the eating street food itself is hurting the dog - had an American Eskimo that would eat anything on the ground and for some reason there were always chicken wings everywhere and he wouldn’t let me get them out of his mouth. He even ate someone’s makeup sponge from the ground and didn’t get sick. But if the street food is contaminated, that could def be causing the problem. I would suggest putting a muzzle on when going for a walk to prevent doggo from eating the street food as well bc who knows what chemicals may be on the ground. Good luck.
@johng1968 Thank you very much this is really eye opening to things I never knew and I thought I was going insane as no one seems to know what the problem is, but yes i will try all that and I'm optimistic that it won't happen again.
@dannyd545 Is your pup still having seizures? What’s happened since the post that has you asking? Idk if I have the answers but happy to see if anything from our experience may be similar. I can always call my mom and ask more details since she was the one who went to all vet appointments and would know more than me.
@johng1968 Hello, thank you so much for your concern I did what you said removing all plastic around him and all went fine for a month and then he had 1 last week and 4 yesterday which put me in terror was rough night...I'm taking him right now to another vet and might get more tests to see the core of the problem, he might have allergies from something that I couldn't figure out yet, or there may be something wrong with his routine or living environment.
@dannyd545 Oh man, I’m sure the was beyond terrifying. Mine def never had multiple in a day. Going to the vet is best bet. I hope you’re able to get some answers bc I know how scary it is when it happens. So sorry this is happening.
@dannyd545 Well at least you know the root cause is a medical disorder. If it is epilepsy, then it doesn’t necessarily mean something triggers it. Hopefully they gave you medication and that helps. So sorry you and pup are going through this.
@cb_isme Yes indeed I used to give him supplies and pills to strengthen the immune system when he was like 6 months old but stopped long ago...the vet recommended didn't just get it by myself
@cb_isme As for the food I will tell you exactly what he eats :
- cooked chicken with no onions or salsas ofcourse
- cooked meat the same as the chicken
- Carrots and green peppers
- Rice
- Bread
- eggs every now and then just small pieces
- Bananas
- apples
- watermelon but just one small piece every now and then in summer
- Ice cream not too much
- some kind of salted bakery not sure about it's name every now and then
- Morando dog food cans
- I neither feed raw or dry food
@dannyd545 Hmm if he is not too fat, has enough movement, it could be sweets aka sugar, salty or spicy foods. I would set Stitch on a "diet" where he gets 5-6month only dogfood...nonothing..

AND: how do you make the rice?? You rinse it at least 5-6 with clear water hopefully?? Cause of the arsen in it, high intake is toxic..
@cb_isme No he's not fat at all actually he's fit because of our daily walking routine ....As for the rice yes the normal way, rice poured in water for sometime and it's ready, I will also try to reduce sugars and salts. And the problem that I can't rely 100% on dog food cans as they may lead to liver problems in the long term.
@dannyd545 Sorry i meant with dogfood what you listed (the chicken, peppers etc apples, bananas), but no bread, ice cream, salty things etc..and i was Deadly serious about the rice, do you rinse 5-6x before boiling it?