My girl just earned a steak breakfast

@willm Sorry to hear that. At least you don't have to deal w/ your GSD deciding that the pittie makes for a great dog bed & laying her whole ass body on top of him & making him grumpy
@avgold My boy was at my parents one night because my parents had been having an issue of a car full of men parking in their driveway when there was no cars.

My parents live in a super safe area with a driveway you wouldn’t notice or turn around in so it was already odd, add that my mom is disabled and home alone when my dad works in the evenings.

My mom told me he was napping in the hallway when they pulled in the driveway yet again. My boy slammed open their screen door and was in the fenced in yard telling that car to get out of his grandma’s driveway before she could blink.

He got a 12 piece grilled nugget from Chic Filet A (his favorite) from grandma that night and the car has never returned.