My reactive girl died yesterday

@cynthiak I am so sorry for your loss. Every dog has some challenges, but reactive dogs seem to have the biggest ones. We work so hard to overcome the challenges together. Know you did not fail her. That distinction belongs to her previous owners. You SAVED her and loved her. That makes all the difference.
@cynthiak A short lifespan is a dog’s only fault.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
It sounds like your sweet girl had a great partner since you came into her life and I’m sure you’ll always remember her fondly.
@cynthiak I'm so so so so sorry for your loss. We blame ourselves and feel like we failed our dogs whenever they suffer. I think its normal and just means we love them a lot.
Take your time to grieve but know you loved her and gave her a good life. ♥️♥️♥️
@cynthiak So so sorry for your loss. They give everything to us and ask for nothing in return, except our hearts ❤️. Then they take them with them as they leave! But it’s so worth it. Wishing you healing in the coming days.
@cynthiak Oh my goodness, hon, your sad words have me crying in empathy because I know how absolutely heartbreaking it is to lose our best doggie friends. 💔 I’m so sorry that you’re going through the pain of losing her. It will get easier but it will take time. I think the most important thing to remember is that she absolutely 100% knew how much you loved and adored her and she loved and adored you even more, which sounds impossible but that’s how our sweet friends are. No one feels and expresses love more than our dog companions. I wish you peace with all my heart. xo
@cynthiak i'm sorry for your loss. i lost my reactive boy over a year ago and i still get weepy when i think about it. they are special dogs and i think having to deal with the reactivity makes you closer to them. absolutely destroys you when they leave. thank you for being a strong enough person to care for a reactive dog. it takes a lot and not everyone can do it. we wound up adopting another dog that was surrendered twice because he was leash reactive and he's the best.
@gnosis1234 Thank you so much; my heart also goes out to you on the loss of your reactive fella. I agree that the next dog I adopt will also be another “lost soul”. I loved my reactive girl with all my heart, and I’m sure she knew it. ❤️
@cynthiak Your love created the very best life for *your best friend* ... I am so very sorry. Please take good care of yourself - that's what your wild girl would want. May the Force be with you - I know it's with Her.
@mbml We don’t know. She was barking at the wild animal but she was inside the fence so they didn’t make contact. She just stopped barking and fell over onto her side. That was it.

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