My reactive girl died yesterday

@cynthiak Sorry for your loss. My sweet Lab mix also dropped dead at 12 years old. She had just been to the vet the day before for her vaccination and heartworm preventive. We suspect she had heartworm (tropical country and she wasn't on annual preventives) and the Heartgard caused them to die and clog her heart. The vet was very hand wavy about it all and refused to do an autopsy or anything at all really. I ran into her again a few months later at a party (my friend worked at her clinic) and she avoided me completely. Spent the entire party in the kitchen while we hung out in the living room.
@isaacs2311 I’m so very sorry, I’m sure that was quite traumatic for you as well. Sending my love and condolences. It sounds as though the vet knew her mistake…she has to live with that now.
@cynthiak Thank you. My parents found her in the afternoon, I was at my in laws place. I still remember exactly what we were doing when we got the call from my dad. We had just finished watching Chappie and were going to play some Monster Hunter on PSP. Never drove that fast back home before. I had her since she was 5 months old, she was from an "oops" litter. She was reddish brown and looked like a slim Lab while her brother who was adopted by their owner's neighbour was pitch black and didn't resemble a Lab at all.

Our dogs will forever live on in our hearts.
@cynthiak So sorry you lost your girl. I’ve got a 15mo red heeler with some similarities. We do our best and try to give them all our love and protection and sometimes events just come out of nowhere and go terribly.

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