My reactive girl died yesterday

@cynthiak I'm so deeply sorry this happened. It's apparent you loved her very much and tried everything that was in your power to make her life better, when not a lot of people could or would do that. She was loved to the very end (and isn't that what all of us are trying to achieve in our own lives, to be loved unconditionally until the very end?). Take all the time you need to process this and don't let anyone make you feel any type of way for how you're processing your grief! Sending you so so so so much love! 💜
@cynthiak So sorry and so strange way to die. Let yourself grieve. Our pets really get into our hearts. You learned many skills that will help you with your next dog when you are ready. When your next dog is benefiting from all your hard work with this one day a silent thank you. So sorry
@cynthiak Giving a gemstone heart as I feel like that was your sweet girl: so much love and feels it often overwhelmed her.

You didn’t fail her at all! She was loved. She knew and loved her home & pack. She even welcomed others in when they visited!

We don’t always know their prior histories nor all that goes on in their heads.
You provided a safe and loving space for her, even when it was taxing & stressful for you.
Sudden deaths are hard. Grief and guilt can be more intense in those cases: there is no (what I call) pre-mourning period when you know the end is coming soon. No bucket lists or last goodbyes. No getting to say or show what you wanted to if you’d only known it was her time. That is hard to process, please be extra-kind to yourself.

From my limited understanding here, I see that she died ‘defending’ her family all-in…just like she loved you all. You are a great dog caretaker. 💙
@zealous_heiress How thoughtful, thank you for the gemstone…and your words ring true. I did what I thought was best, but now I’m going through the “what if’s”. But I’m so happy to have found this thread, I’d never known there were so many others in similar situations.
Thanks again for your kind words and love. Blessings to you! 💙
@cynthiak It sounds like she had a good life with someone she loved and that she didn't suffer at the end. It's awful for you and I'm sorry for your loss but keep trying to remind yourself of that.
@cynthiak I'm so sorry. That would be awful. Do you know what caused it? Like was it her heart? You didn't fail her one bit. You gave her the best life ever. She loved you and you loved her. I can tell that from just this post.
@shh I don’t know. It was so sudden, and we had to take her to an emergency vet which was swamped. She was otherwise healthy. I didn’t even think to ask for an autopsy but honestly at this point I’m afraid I would feel even worse if it were something I thought I should have noticed or could have been prevented. 😔
@cynthiak I’m so sorry. Thank you for sharing with us. Just know you gave her the best life and be proud of yourself for not giving up. It’s not easy. You didn’t fail her, you did what you could to make her life special, safe and fun. So many others couldn’t have done it but you did! She will always be with you and making sure you are okay. Be kind to yourself and think about all the good times! Sending you all the strength and love!
@cynthiak I am so very sorry!!! My beloved dog was out in my backyard in 2020 and dropped dead in the tomato patch. It was so shocking, so I feel your pain. The dog I adopted a month later is reactive, so I am living through that with my new baby. It sounds like you are an excellent pet parent. Feeling guilt/like we have failed is our way of feeling control in an out-if-control situation. The feeling is normal and common, but you did not fail your dog.
@linley Thank you so much, I hope my girl was happy and felt loved. She really was like a child to me.

My condolences on the passing of your dog, too…it is a shocking way for them to leave us so suddenly. But I guess it is truly a blessing that there’s no pain or suffering. At least I’m trying to keep reminding myself of that. I also wish you the best with your reactive pupper. They can be quite difficult at times, but the love I received from mine certainly outweighed any of her issues. Hugs and love to you both.
@cynthiak You know, Steve Irwin is going to be so excited to see her. He always had a soft spot for the underdogs who needed him. “CRIKEY!” he’s going to exclaim when he meets her. “Just LOOK at this gorgeous sheila! So fast she runs, and she really has the most beautiful ears and soulful eyes what a beaut she is. What a beaut”. And he’ll take her on grand adventures where she can run and be free and not anxious and she will want you to know she’s ok and is so grateful to you for loving her just the way she was.

Hugs hugs hugs hugs ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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