My girl just earned a steak breakfast


New member
Well, my girl Moira just earned a steak breakfast.

Moira just alerted (she used her super scary Big Girl Bark, which she RARELY uses) on some people parked in a shitty ass van that I didn’t recognize, in the gravel parking pad directly in front of my house. There was a dude that was fucking around with what appeared to be an empty, very large gas can. All the lights in & on the van were all off but I could see another person inside the van fiddling w/something small thanks to the street light at the corner of my parking pad. Mine is the only one on the street that isn’t taken up by my neighbors cars since I’m the only one living at my house & everybody else has multiple people & cars.

I woke up as soon as I heard Moira go off, which also set off my pittie who had been sleeping in bed with me (Moira gets hot easily so she gets up & chills on the living room couch occasionally & also will just get up to patrol the house quickly then come back to bed). Moira stopped barking as soon as she saw I was up & ready. I had grabbed my shotgun I always keep loaded near my bed- I’m a single woman living alone, it makes me feel safer.

I have my living room curtains open so as soon as I walked into the living room I was able to see the people. I had turned on the hallway light but not the living room light so there was a little backlight on me & they didn’t see me until the dude with the gas can turned directly back towards my house & looked up & he saw me standing in the living room w/ the shotgun. He immediately got in the van, started it up & booked it out of the neighborhood. They didn’t even pop their headlights on until they were going down the hill to get off my street (I live on a dead end street on both ends, there is a turn off down a hill a few houses down from mine to get to the next street to leave the neighborhood).

They obviously weren't out of gas. And Moira usually doesn't give a flying fuck about people outside the house unless they come up to it (except the mail lady, Moira recognizes her & doesn’t alert to her anymore, I’ve got one of those little mailboxes right by the front door). So that makes me think that they actually did come up to the house either on the porch or more likely were going into my carport & that's what set Moira off. Im thinking they were either trying to steal gas from my car &/or steal my little Coleman mini-dirtbike (idk what it’s exactly called, I just love putting around town on it) that’s in the carport.

I never actively trained her to be a protection dog (or a PTSD dog for that matter, she just can tell when I’m about to start having a panic attack or nightmare & trained herself to start nose-booping the hell out of me to alert me/wake me up & then lay on me or just lean on me if I’m standing). But she’s always been super protective (always appropriate to the situation though, she’s super smart) and tonight is the first night she’s really shined in that regard. I seriously don’t know what I would do without her.

This just happened at approx. 0330 & since my adrenaline & heartrate went through the roof, I still can’t fall back asleep. So I’m writing this as I can’t move/get up even if I wanted to cuz Moira is laying on my legs & my pittie is curled back up next to me. We seriously don’t deserve dogs, they are just the best.
@avgold What an absolute angel, I love how she’s got her paws over his feet❤️ you can tell how much she loves you by the look in her eye, congrats on a beautiful couple of companions 💕