Lost my best friend if 8 years yesterday


New member
My baby girl had to be put down yesterday to do an ongoing fight with degenerative myelopathy. For the first time in my adult life I’m without my best friend.In just 8 short years we’ve been through 3 houses, my first serious girlfriend, fiancé, now wife, two kids. She kept us safe from the vacuum and mailmen while still being the lovable goof i fell in love with. We did a lot of growing up together and I’ll never forget you or the walks we had to take in the wagon when you weren’t able to walk anymore. Please hug your doggos for me.
Dog tax
@slingmama Losing a dog is always hard, but there are some dogs and some diseases that are even worse. I lost one to a heart attack, one to kidney failure, and one to DM.

We don’t get a choice, of course, but the fear and panic in her eyes when suddenly she couldn’t walk was gut wrenching and I hope to never see it again.

My condolences.
Run free, pretty girl.
@slingmama What a beautiful pup. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure the vacuum now knows its place and won't dare to try anything, though. Our pups always remain in spirit and in our hearts.
@jbwood Sorry to ask, I might be looking at the same situation, my girl is same age too. By ‘N/N’ do you mean DM test was two negatives? I did a cheek swab (came back N/N) but am considering doing a blood test now b/c idk about that result & her symptoms ♥️
@canadarose No worries! My breeder claimed both parents of my dog were negative for DM. They had papers. I may not be a scientist, but even I know a dog can't get DM if both parents are negative.
@jbwood unfortunately there are instances where a puppy can get it if both parents are negative. There is a predominant gene mutation that causes it, but their are other lesser known mutations as well that may not be tracked effectively. Of course there is also a chance the breeder is lying, but sometimes you can do everything right, and still lose :(
@wifeandmom Yes, my second dog from this breeder died of idiopathic epilepsy at 3. After much research, discovered breeder is lying about epilepsy in their lines. Blames it all on flea meds. Not all of them took flea meds, though. There is even a group of owners on Facebook of epileptic pups from this breeder trying to shut it down. If we can pinpoint where the epilepsy comes from based on dog owners trading stories, I'm sure the breeder could too.

It's a damn shame, too, because their dogs are amazing.