It gets better - I doubted it!


New member
Just wanted to pop in to say I feel every single person on this sub who is exhausted, crying, regretting, bleeding (shark teeth šŸ¦ˆ), cleaning up pee and poop all day, etc. We brought home our puppy at 12 weeks after having moved into our first home together only 5 days prior. I told my SO multiple times maybe we made a mistake. I cried, I yelled. Now, almost 3 months later, Iā€™m sitting on my couch with my baby in my lap, tea in my hand, trying to imagine how bored and lonely Iā€™d be everyday if he wasnā€™t ours. We still have our days where he just does not care to listen to us, but more days than not are good and I love him with all my heart. To everyone second guessing yourselves - I was you and YOU CAN DO IT!! Please hang in there, cry when you need to, get out of the house when you need to. I promise you will love them. You have so many years of good days ahead šŸ˜ŠšŸ¶

meet Pumpkin šŸŽƒšŸ„
@slateblue Dear god thank you for this. Itā€™s been a morning with our almost 12 week old golden doodle. She tried to wake up at 4am. Then 5am. Then 5:30. Finally got up at 6 which is when we get up during the week.

Sheā€™s bit me so hard Iā€™m bleeding, tried to eat her poop and I hurried to get it so fast (in my muddy ass backyard) that I stepped in it šŸ˜³

Sheā€™s tried to eat my shoe, chew the couch, and alternates between coming to me for kisses and to chomp on my hand. She wonā€™t play or chew on her toys, is just wandering around the living room trying to get into quite literally everything else.

I love her and can see glimpses of the great doggo sheā€™ll be but good lord weā€™re having a morning.

Luna Tax
@cosmos123 Oh you can see the crazy poodle eye in her! (Coming from an owner of two standard poodles). They will push you but boy oh boy its worth it especially when they decide they are no longer a land shark
@kileyl30 Iā€™ve only had a golden before so the crazy eyes are so funny to me. I see both breeds in her (the mouthiness/carrying things around is her golden side. I just googled ā€œcrazy poodle eyesā€ and was like ā€œahhhh, okay I see it nowā€.
@cosmos123 You're singing my song , literally word for every word except I have a bernedoodle and she is 18 weeks. I was huffing and puffing this morning as i went out at 330, 450, 510, and finally 550. The rain has made this week a challenge. I keep asking her if she lost her brain, where did all her training go. She just looks at me like she wants to cuddle and goes in for the attack. LOL she's a mess.
@cosmos123 Oh goodnessā€¦ she is stinkinā€™ adorable, so naturally sheā€™s a born troublemaker too lol! Can definitely see the ā€œpoodle lookā€ in her eyes - I have a now 5 year old havapoo and heā€™s such a little stinker and quite literally a psychopath every once in a while still!šŸ¤£ hang in there! They are absolutely fantastic dogs!
@slateblue My husband and I are coping with our 13-week old by constantly assigning him a rating - cute and cuddly (97%), counter surfs (dropping precariously to 85%), pees on the carpet directly after being taken out (8%). We imagine it floating over his head Black Mirror style and somehow, it helps. šŸ™‚
@vette LOL I might need to adopt this coping mechanism. My 13week pup goes outside we wait 5-10-15 minutes whatever, as soon as she's back inside she poops or pees inside. She purposely waits for us to turn our back for half a second to do it so we can't catch her in the act. Beyond frustrating... My fiance keeps reminding me in frustration that he didn't want another dog right now and that this was a mistake etc so I get to deal with that on top of a the devil herself in pup form. I know it'll get better. I just wasn't excited for the puppy days to begin with because of this.
@redeemed1959 We had a similar tense moment at one point, but we talked about how puppies are like kids and travel - thereā€™s never a perfect time, never even a good time, and you just do it because itā€™s worth it.
@vette Haha I give grades. That group training was a D. You didn't fail, but you weren't stellar. The car ride was an A-. The scoring gets detailed and is DEFINITELY swayed by factors like cuteness and how hard it is to be a little baby man, but you're right, it does help!
@pualanina I think itā€™s just a way to acknowledge that while I love him, I donā€™t always enjoy him and thatā€™s ok. We have good moments and dark moments and weā€™re figuring it out.
@slateblue Mine is 8 months and though there are more good days than bad the bad ones can be stressful. I can tell though that he WANTS to be a good dog and also I love him.