Insane last 24 hours..

@bip Hahaaa nooo lol I’m mean but not rude 😂

Which is funny because you said something like “it’s my fault for not being more assertive”
Nah, definitely not. Dude was just an ass and you made it more than clear you didn’t want her touching that balloon, he would’ve done that regardless. People don’t listen, not to politeness or assertiveness, the best thing you can do for your pup is teach her to ignore them and pay attention to only you, recall. (which I’m sure you are working on, I stalked and she’s doing really good for only 11 weeks!!) recall has saved my pup from several dangerous situations because of ignorant people. I’m just lucky they didn’t happen when he was that young and had no recall😮‍💨
@cooluel People do this?? I have a 12 week whippet and we’re going for first walk next Friday. After reading this and other comments on this forum I’m really apprehensive about all my hard work in training is going to go down the drain !!
@cooluel That’s why we’re in the process of teaching our puppy to only come to me or my girlfriend when recalled, nobody else, because people are too dumb to understand what’s going on. We also taught her a specific command word that most people don’t know, and if it’s pronounced wrong (easy to do), she doesn’t come because she doesn’t understand it then. It’s saved us in a pinch a few times but it’s still a work in progress.
@bip Omg I just peeped ur post history and she’s an absolute angel. I’d be so pissed if someone did that to me during training, but I’m also not one to hold my tongue. I hope she’s okay!

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