the barking during adolescence is driving me insane

@ntenda Time out is by far the best solution for barking. The “speak” solution is flawed as fuck as sometimes the dog will throw some random tricks to start a play and one of them might be the “speak” one, so he will bark thinking he’s doing something you like.
@ntenda My pup is just over 4 months. He was quiet and then started barking at every human and dog he saw. As well as sounds. I tried LAT training. It's helped soo much. When I take him out and see someone approaching, I will give him treat after treat so he's feeling like oh it's a good thing this person or dog is coming. He still whines and pulls when she sees someone but even that has improved a bit. But after a few days he's so much better now. He's way less reactive and stays quiet when people come around. I will continue to reinforce.
@ntenda For barking with toys when throwing, do not throw the toy unless he is quiet. It takes a lot of patience at first but by stoping, you are showing him that barking gets him no where, and that being quiet gives him the toy. The same if he’s in walks, if he’s barking, you stop. If he’s quiet, you keep walking. Good luck!
@ntenda My guy flipped at that age too. The demand barking led to the biting and trying to herd me to whatever he wanted (and he’s not even a herding breed) and the latest is the scratching at things obsessively when he doesn’t get his way. The walls, the furniture are all marred.

Adolescence sucks.
@ntenda Omg are you me? because this is EXACTLY what we’re dealing with! 7 and a half month old Aussiedoodle, and boy has the adolescence hit HARD with barking.

She is SOOOO good and so smart. Very well trained and NEVER barked at dogs, people, noises, etc. But now? EVERYTHING. She doesn’t bark too much at people thankfully, but she goes insane with barking at other dogs on walks, people she hears in the hallways of our complex, and randomly around the apartment. We’ve been using a combination of the “hush” command and ignoring her (depending on the situation), but I almost feel defeated.

I personally can tune out the barking, but we are definitely nervous our apartment neighbors will complain or something.

Def found the suggestions on this thread reassuring! Fingers crossed for you (and me, lol) that it’s a phase!!
@ntenda Can i ask how you got your dog to “speak” ? My new pup has almost never barked and i want to hear his little voice! Did your dog bark often or sometimes? because i don’t know hot to entice him to bark haha
@ntenda This! My 6mo golden retriever is demand barking a bit but mostly alert barking! We’ve tried a few different things and thanking her has helped but it’s still a big problem for us. Where we live is rural enough to have wildlife moving around when it gets dark and we think that is what’s setting her off, and/or if our neighbours are in their gardens. Maybe we should try working on quiet again 😭
@ntenda Lots of great advice here so my comment is only in relation to your apartment living comment... afternoon a weekend of kids screaming, shouting and crying at the pool in my complex, I am far less concerned about a few barks or whines from my pup. Absolutely work on the behaviour but also understand noises are part of apartment living!!