So… when was the last time y’all had a vacation?

@alexkline I'm in the same situation as you, however, I'm very upfront with our new boarding facility, and they said that as long as he's not people reactive, they can deal just fine with dog reactivity. Just make sure to find a place that isn't an open free for all.

I use to do Rover but then started freaking myself out with the idea of the sitter not being able to truly handle all of the nuances of my dogs' dog reactivity. Too many unknown variables out there as I live in a city. I look at it like the boarding facility will keep him alive and safe and that's what I need them for. Best of luck!
@alexkline I bring my dogs with me on vacations. We just stayed in a cabin in Montana in May and went hiking in the mountains. I don’t trust anyone with my reactive dog. He’s a Doberman that’s 100lbs of muscle and he is too strong for most people.
@alexkline Felt so targeted just reading the post title.

Haven't been able to go anywhere since we got our golden a year or so ago and she started having complications particularly when out of her normal structure.

Hoping to one day be able to travel again, some of these comments have been very helpful.
@alexkline It's too easy to underestimate the love people can have for their dogs. Organising a holiday involves all sorts of considerations and I would no more overlook the needs of my dogs than a parent will overlook the needs of their children. That's what my dogs are to me. They are my family and I love them so much
I hope that you can figure out something that works for you all. X

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