I lost both dogs in 3 days

@trinichristiannudist A lot of dogs really thrive with a furry sibling. My childhood dogs had a two year age difference. They adored each other & watching them grow up & grow up together brought me so much joy. Sadly, they also died two years apart. My parents got a new pup within a month because the emptiness of the house halted my dad's grieving process. I honestly thought that I might lose him, too. He is disabled & those little girls kept him sane at home while my mom worked.

I have two cats & a dog, & I hope that means I won't ever have to face not being greeted at the door. It breaks my heart to read OP's post.
@john861 Yeah it’s such terrible timing for OP :(

I was planning on adding a puppy to the family when my current dog turns 8…. She’s 4 1/2 now. Right now I’m kind of a one-dog person (I don’t even want another dog) but I think by then I’ll be ready 🤞🏼
@jingshenbianxi I think we have all experienced that pain. We come home and there's the dog bed, and the water bowl, a toy under the couch cushion. The vacuum cleaner's canister is filled with dog hair and there are still some of those special treats left in the cupboard, and the pictures on a shelf of you and your best friend.

They did nothing to deserve this. The saddest reality that we who are dog lovers suffer is the fact that they don't live as long as we do, that the best we can do is to love them while they're with us, and see them safely across the bridge and - for those of us who are believers -to know that they'll all be there to greet us one day.
@jingshenbianxi It seems so futile to say this in the face of such devastation, but I’m so sorry to hear of your tragic losses. This is a truly heartbreaking situation, and I will be keeping both you and your angels in my thoughts.
@jingshenbianxi A few years ago my mom lost two of her dogs in the same month. One was getting old for her breed and her hips completely went and she also had diabetes and stopped eating, the other needed kidney surgery and just didn’t respond well. It was such a heartbreaking month for our family and especially my mom. Just know it’s okay to grieve as much as you need to. Pets are family and you have them great lives and we’re there for them when they needed you in their final moments.
@jingshenbianxi I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's so devastating. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself the time to grieve and honor them.

September 2021 we lost 2 dogs within 3 days. My 5yo Staffy managed to open and fall out of my car while I was driving. I was taking my then kindergartener to school, it was awful. I rushed her to the animal ER and at first it looked like she was going to make it and lose a leg but the day she was slated for surgery, she took a turn for the worst. My husband and I made it in time to be with her, it was the worst way to celebrate our wedding anniversary that day. That same week, our 16yo dog stopped eating and we knew it was time. We decided to put him down the following Monday. I was devastated. Truly. I'm so sorry you have to go through the same thing ❤️
@jingshenbianxi I had to help my mom who lost her two dogs within 5 days. I feel you. It's such a hard change.

You did what you good, you helped them as best you could and at the end of the day you gave them the best life you could. You were their world. Someday, your heart may open to another dog but it will never replace them.

Those two dogs I mentioned passed away nearly 10 1/2 years ago but it feels only like a minute. I still miss them and their quirks. As I'm sure I'll miss mine when that time comes.
@jingshenbianxi They did nothing wrong. You did nothing wrong. THIS IS FUCKED UP. You are not imagining it. THIS IS NOT FAIR. Your pain is valid and seen. I am so sorry you have to go through this. It breaks my heart as well. I wish you strength to get through this and tenderness to grieve thoroughly. If it matters to you, know that I will light a candle and think of you tonight. I am sorry that the world is fucked up.
@jingshenbianxi Oh man. I really feel for you. I had two GSPs from puppies to old people. In the end, I lost mine within days of one another. I suppose it happens when they're elderly, close in age, and then never truly being apart from one another. Hugs from the internet.
@jingshenbianxi As a gift to your pets that have just passed, please consider adopting and loving another in their memory. You have love to give and there are many unwanted pets that deserves your love. I am so sorry that you lost two so close together.
@jingshenbianxi I’m so sorry for your losses. We lost two of ours a few months apart. They were very close and we had had them both since they were puppies. Sometimes I wonder if the mistake I made was getting them so close together in age. It just shatters your heart. I’m so so sorry.
@jingshenbianxi Oh my god it’s like Where the Red Fern Grows 😭😭
I am so incredibly sorry. If you have doubts about your second pup you could request an autopsy. It may help you get some closure. I am so sorry.