I have never seen a well-taken care of Puli


New member
I swear these owners see Pulis as “so low maintenance” cos you’re not supposed to brush them. What they don’t realize is proper cording takes way more time than any brushing ever would!!!

The amount of Puli owners that just let their dog matt up horrendously and have the audacity to say it’s supposed to be like that??? Cords are supposed to be well-kept, looser at the root of the hair, NOT shaped like an overgrown tapeworm clinging on for dear life onto your dog’s poor body.

I know someone who’s worked with a Puli that had MOLD in their hair. M O L D.

So just a PSA to all potential corded dog owners…corded dogs are anything but low maintenance!!!!!
@svjoyner Personally, I truly doubt there is any breed of dog or animal at all that should be considered "low maintenance". All that phrase says to me is that people don't want to put the effort of animal care into caring for their animals...
@svjoyner I worked on a puli that was actually well taken care of! Of course the owner was willing to spend the money and time to get the dog properly groomed regularly.
@stigss I would LOVE to work on a well taken care of one 😭😭 but unfortunately we only have the nasty ones in my area. I feel so bad for them, it must be so suffocating when the matting isn’t controlled like it’s supposed to be.
@svjoyner I just had to comment because I hardly ever see the Hungarian breeds mentioned. I’ve only ever seen pulis with short hair at my working dog club! Dreads are a lot of work (and especially if your dog gets dirty a lot, with the drying time). The only corded ones I’ve encountered are at dog shows. My favourite breed is the pumi and while I love and have loved mine, I’d take the mudi fur any day over my current pumi, and a corded puli never. (And that’s not even mentioning the komodor)
@caroburgh i haven’t personally worked with one, but i live in an area where i see them all the time. im based out of a daycare and the puli owner here completely neglects the poor dog.

i used to work at corporate prior to this salon and we’d get a puli nail trim regular that refused any sort of advice, same condition. gross, poor dog.

i love learning about rare breeds so ill definitely check the pumi out!!! dogs are my hyperfixation so im always excited to learn about a new breed. 😊
@svjoyner All pumis are some variation of completely mad. I love them. My current one doesn’t want to work so he’s a bit useless for me but he’s staying anyway and we’ll figure out what he’s good at. They’re a horrible combination of herding, hunting and guard dog that can follow their shepherds around. Super smart, super agile, stubborn as heck, can work and problem solve on their own and move around like cats. My previous one was the love of my life.

And I’m so sorry to hear about the neglected puli you’ve met. If you can’t do the upkeep, don’t have the dog in dreads. Just keep it short and brush it. I had dreads myself for many years and you can’t just leave the hair to do its own thing or it’ll become matted and gross. It requires less care than many other hairstyles and the care it needs is different, but you still need to do the work.
@svjoyner I bathed a corded Komondor once. Once was enough. The "cords" were big, fat, flattened mats full of sticks, dirt, debris, etc., and the poor dog had 6 months worth of shit clinging to the "cords" on his rear end. It was the most disgusting thing ever and I've absolutely hated cords ever since. Luckily, the dog himself was actually very sweet. But those "cords" were mats, not cords, and the owner went on and on about how the "cords" protected the dogs from being unalived while out fighting wolves all night, etc...meanwhile the dog lives in Suburbia and has a fenced in back yard....
@svjoyner The poor thing smelled like a very musty basement. I'm just glad the dog himself was so sweet and friendly. I would love to get my hands on a properly corded dog to REALLY notice the difference, but until then....cords (or, "cords") just plain gross me out.
@tmc1284 I think that’s why so many professionals don’t see cords (and handstripping) too often compared to other stuff. It’s SO MUCH WORK that paying a pro is ridiculous so most do it themselves to varying degrees of success lol.
@svjoyner Where are you located that you get a lot of pulis ? My sister's been grooming for almost forty, and she did one that was corded.

I've been grooming over thirty years and had one booked. When it came in it was just a gray oversized gray Lhasa cross they wanted clipped down.
@mabris We don’t get a ton of Puli’s, maybe 2 or 3 that I’ve seen in my area!! All of them very icky. I’m in the Midwest. Makes sense cos it gets so chilly in the winter!!
@svjoyner Years, many years ago, I read an article about grooming corded breeds in Dog World. They recommended a final rinse in diluted Listerine to reduce mildew. I officially gave up on corded breeds.

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