3 month old corgi never stops unless sleeping. Need help

@scholasticus Honestly I would get a trainer. Start a basic obedience class and ask the trainer about the specific bite issues. However what I would do when she starts to go for your face is stand up and leave the room for five minutes. She is trying to play with you and when she figures out lunging at your face always means playtime is over she will stop.

It’s the same way you train not jumping on you.

These basic obedience classes are so underrated. Our dogs behavior completely changed in ways we never expected.
@scholasticus I just wanna say, you can "train" your dog to have more stamina and it sounds like that's what you're doing by taking her to the dog park for hours.

I would personally enforce a time-out, because puppies can get nippy and bratty when tired/overtired.

I've never crate-trained before so I won't be suggesting you enforce the time-out in her crate, but force her to stop playing and force her to cuddle.

Force is the wrong term, because obviously you shouldn't get violent with your puppy, but it's the best term I have.

Also, corgis are working dogs. Remember that.
@scholasticus It sounds like you have her out a lot, but as someone who has worked with working dogs: so I don’t know where you live, but you say dog park and home are the main activities. I have experience with herding dogs. It would take a two hour hike to tire one out at five years old or so, let alone a puppy. A dog park wouldn’t cut it. It just isn’t working enough or strenuous. And I say working as in smells and just having stimulation outside of a contained area.

I say this not knowing your dog or being a dog trainer, just as someone who has access to mountains and has been a dog hiker professionally. Working dogs need a lot. But you’ve been in the ER, so I don’t know. But I would personally find a way to devote a lot of physical activity to your pup as well as mental.
@henry_ co-signing this, as a corgi owner. you can see in my comment history what i do to work my dog out - we can do a 10 mile hike one day and she’s still ready for round two the next day. i walk mine 4-5 miles a day + dog park daily, and she’s 2.5 years old. when she was a puppy it was far worse.

if she’s scavenging, does she have mental stimulation toys? treat balls. kong’s. likimats. a cardboard egg carton filled with treats and taped shut. a cardboard box filled with crumpled paper with treats wrapped inside them. corgis are smart. they’re so smart and they need to work for everything. i try to do a mix of physical and mental stimulation because they wear her out in different ways. even sometimes we just sit outside of a coffee shop on a busy street - the constant interaction with people, new smells / sounds / things to see helps wear her out some.
@scholasticus yeah i mean puppies haha. everything is new and weird to them. mine used to run at her treat ball and bop it with her nose and then jump back and then dance around it barking until she got enough courage to run at it again. she got better at it. try different ones. there’s one that’s a pickle that you can stuff treats and things like peanut butter or bits of cheese in, that all my friends who have had puppies swear by. even just digging food out of a kong is good stimulation.
@henry_ Dang. But like I said, she geta worn out definitively, as evidence that if placed in her kennel she will almost immediately go to sleep and will aleeo like 10 hours straight.

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