I hate price hagglers! Rant


New member
So I've a client that rang one of the girls I rent my table from and told this person that her prices are x amount but has no appointments for 4 weeks, and passed my number on. I spoke to them and told them my price is y amount (£7 difference). The owner books the dog in (a shih-tzu x)for this week.

The owner has now messaged me several times trying to get a lower price, going as far to say I have z amount in cash, can you do him for z amount as he's gone longer than usual and his nails are really long and struggling to walk!

I sorry but no. My prices are my prices I am not changing them. My over heads are different fron the person I rent the table from. I use different products to her. I charge what I am worth.

Gah. Why book in if its too expensive for you? There are several dirt cheap shops in the area. Go to one of those!
@forwardslider They wanted to offer less money because their dog was overgrown? Nice logic!

I get a lot of customers asking if they bathe at home if the price will be lower, I always tell them it'll be higher because they won't have the professional brushout before the bath and will probably come in with more mats than they would've had otherwise. Not to mention the groom just won't be as even without the dry out, and who knows how much time will be between the bath and the actual appointment.

Another common on is "Oh, he just had his nails done at the vet, will the price be lower?" Nah. We still file all of the nails regardless so everything is on the same schedule as the groom. Then there's the customers that call 2 weeks after the appointment and claim the nails never got done and if they can have a free trim.. facepalm.

Grooming is expensive, I agree, but the general population that falls under the category that complains about it will put zero effort into upkeep on the dog between grooms so I really have no sympathy. Can't afford a 50 dollar groom? Go buy a 10 dollar brush.
@livelifeliving33 Totally agree. Grooming is definitely expensive and I’m thankful all the time that I’m a groomer and don’t have to pay to get my American Eskimo groomed because I can do it myself. I understand it can be an imposition or an annoyance for people. But I don’t have any sympathy whatsoever because if they didn’t want to pay $85+ to get their doodle groomed every six weeks, they should have gotten a chihuahua. It’s part of the research they were supposed to do before they got the dog. You best believe if I wasn’t a groomer I wouldn’t have gotten an American Eskimo.
@forwardslider I HATE when people try to talk me down in price. Not only is it insulting but it puts you in a shitty position of having to stand your ground and possibly lose a client. You get what you pay for and if you want cheap, then you're going to get a cheap job and probably complain about that too. I once had a woman try to tell me she used to get her 80 lb labradoodle groomed for $40.....bullshit. Either you saw an inexperienced groomer or you are lying to me right now.

I could go all day. That is by far my biggest pet peeve. Tell this woman you deliver quality work and that she is more than welcome to call around to other shops for a cheaper price.
@forwardslider No but since he is so over grown I’m going to have to charge x fee because he is going to take longer and I’m going to have to bath more times. Thanks for the heads up