@peggyleggy Have you considered getting anxiety meds for them just for firework holidays? My vet gives about 1 week worth of meds for the 4th and New Years. I don't necessarily like that I need to drug them, but it definitely helps.
@peggyleggy I'm from the UK so we don't have 4th of July, we do however have guy fawks night and it's the same thing, I get the vet to prescribe some seditive for my cats and I put a white noise machine in the room my ginnea pigs are in, it's awful for me because of Ptsd, my daughter is autistic and hates them and my pets get so upset, I always make sure I'm ready a few days before with all the bits I'll need. At least unlike thunder storms we have a date that we know it's happening, but honestly fireworks can fuck off. They make silent ones yet people still look for the loudest, most awful ones, just so they can have a laugh playing with fire, while scaring every animal in the area
@peggyleggy This is literally us!! People have been setting off fireworks all weekend and our puppy, also her first 4th, completely unbothered. Those house shaking bombs go off first the first time today and she’s understandably freaked. I was freaked. There’s been so many that she’s struggling to recover from the little ones and now we’re a mess. I’ve never seen her so attached to us, she followed me into the bathroom because she didn’t want to be left alone.

We called the police. There is no way those house shaking bombs are legal. Nothing has changed so…nice…
@tonemonkey It’s started this weekend for us too! It’ll probably continue all week honestly. Last night it went on until about midnight and shook our windows with how loud they are. It was only a few people in the neighborhood but people collectively telling them to knock it off did the trick eventually.

We’re looking at taking a trip next year with our dogs to somewhere where fireworks won’t be there. I despise Fourth of July.
@imagebeastmarkbeast I live in Vermont and I can vouch that I've never heard those crazy fireworks from random neighbors. In fact most years I don't hear of many home-done fireworks at all. There is town firework shows but they're short and contained, and if you go to a rural spot you can only barely hear them off in the distance. I'm sure there's people who do it, and I'm sure in the cities/towns there might be more of it, but I've never seen it.
@codymarshall You're condoning and reinforcing that behavior.

I question whether that's a long term winning strategy.

You're letting your pup know that you're just as scared as they are. And in turn, that there is something they should be afraid of.

Lead your dog, don't follow them.