My pup loves the awful weather and it's making me hate him

@endspiel Can we trade puppy personalities, please? My 4.5 month old beagle absolutely hates the rain and cold. (I'm in PA, like 45 min. from NY border and same weather.) She absolutely did NOT want to go outside and whined and cried bloody murder when we forced her, lol. Pretty much all potty training went out the window, and going for a walk... hell. This made the entire day terrible because bottled up energy = bouncing off the walls and SO MANY TEETH EVERYWHERE AND ON EVERYONE. Where does she even come from with these sneak attacks?!
Anyway, today, we've gotten some snow. I'm excited to see her reaction to it because my previous beagle LOVED playing in it and also hated rain. I'm literally praying she's the same. Here's to hoping there are better days ahead! 😅

Edit: I just wanted to add that that picture is so stinkin cute. Bailey, my previous beagle I mentioned above, had a raincoat, too, and it's the most adorable thing. ❤
@paula87 Omg, same boat here. I live in Canada and have a whippet puppy that absolutely haaaaates the cold, anything below 10C (50F) he pumps the brakes and tried to drag me back inside regardless of if he’s done his business. They’re in for a real treat between Nov-March, lol!
@peaceplease Omg, I can't even imagine how he's going to react. It's brutal here in PA, U.S. during those months, so Canada... yikes. 😂 I wish we could stay in spring/summer until she's completely potty trained, lol.
@paula87 My boy hates the rain. It was torrential yesterday, and he absolutely would not get off of the porch. I went in to try and wait until it wasn't raining quite so much, but in the two minutes between coming in and checking the rain again, he had already pooped in the house 🤦‍♀️
@goddey Hahahaha, same! She had like 4 accidents yesterday because there wasn't one break in the rain. It's like you can't really blame them for not wanting to go out, but come on, you gotta grow up sometime, lol.
@endspiel I’m also in New York State and it snowed lightly where I live. It’s crazy because I didn’t think it would snow this early, so I’m out here in flip flops and shorts trying to get my puppy to poop while he is too busy eating snow.
@endspiel Hah! Also in NYC. Aussie pup. All day yesterday it was blanket weather for me and then 30 mins of drying after coming in from the rain. Thank goodness for random scaffolding to pace under so he can poo
@iquietguy I got him these after trying a few that didn't work out. He seems to like them, though he kicks one off every time and I have to put it back on. Not quite sure why. But they seem to fit him okay, don't cut off his circulation (like others I have tried), and he can walk and jump around in them.

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